

  • If I had a belly that looked like that, I would not be worried at all about sitting on the beach. In fact if I sit on the beach they would send for the 'save the whale society' and start hosing me down....go and enjoy your holiday, its not a time be obsessing :) Go and have fun :)
  • Well said Kayzkidz, diets don't work that's why there are so many baecause if they did work there would be only one diet!!! And the diet industry would collapse, they are one of biggest money scams ever. Governments should make supermarkets all fruit and veg cheaper if they are serious about obesity and do something about…
  • Hello You just need to say I can do this....because can't is no longer in your dictionary. The best thing you can do is get organised, even if this means preparing something last thing at night or extra portions that can be frozen, look on this as a part of a job and it's paying you in kindness. I don't believe in…
  • Thank you yes, I will do that. I just presumed it would show the carbs, I'll Google it add then it'll be there next time. I tend to stick with cereal and fruit but now again a pack of crumpets sneak into the house, but I'm getting that most people on here are saying as long as you stick to your daily calorie in take then…