I live in Denmark where cycling is pretty much the main form of transport, so I always have the chance to do that whenever! But I live at my school, so it wouldn't really be an every day thing.. I'm still going to incorporate gym for 2 months while doing the couch to 5k running plan, so when it runs out I (touch wood) will…
Yes, I'm starting with the couch to 5k plan.. so I'll, according to the plan, being running 30 mins in a few weeks. It gets my heart rate up, so I guess it's good :) Thanks, I hope I will.. there have been many years where I been the complete opposite! So time for a change :)
Ok.. I've just seen that these carbs have had a bad rep in the past few years! Thank you :)
I just find it easier to reduce my consumption of those.. because I don't find them necessary and also I don't particularly like them anyway! So why eat them :) ok a lot of fruits and vegetables, would never not eat meat!! yes I love running… much more than the gym, which I sometimes find tedious and 'samey'. Thank you :)