carol7323 Member


  • Hi a year ago I knew we were going on a cruise for my birthday in August 2018. I said oh I have a year to lose about 15-20 pounds. No problem. It had always been easy to lose weight. But I had my thyroid removed a few years back and now it’s not so easy. Fast forward and we are just over 90 days away. I’m eating right,…
  • Hi Jess I started taking Phentermine yesterday. I never thought I would be one to take weight loss pills. Until about 4 years ago I could also lose weight if I exercised and watched my eating habits. Then life got in the way. It actually started when my last daughter was born 17 years ago. I found it was more difficult to…
  • Be sure to check Pinterest. They have a lot of crockpot recipes. I modify some of them to make them healthier choices. Using the recipe builder on My Fitness Pal helps monitor calories, fat, protein, etc. I love this program.
  • So I calculated my BMR and it is 1450. Then I used that to calculate my daily caloric need which is 2248. That is based on 3-5 x a week workouts at a moderate level. If I go with 1264 as my caloric intake for 2 days that leaves a deficit of 984 for 5 days a week. The other 2 days my deficit would be 731 each day. My weekly…
  • So how do I change my starting weight? I couldn't find how to do it anywhere.
  • I give myself a craving or two but I make sure that it doesn't push me over my calorie limit. I also make sure that for the next week or 2 I stick to my plan. You did great sticking it out and protecting your goals. However, limiting & depriving yourself too much can lead to a binge of fulfilled cravings. Find something…
  • Look up Citrus Cupcakes on from the Flat Belly Diet. I can't remember the calorie count. But I can attest to the fact that the recipes for the Flat Belly Diet are delicious.
  • I read recently that most calorie trackers don't identify the difference between natural suar & added sugar in foods. I would recommend that you limit the items with added sugar. And don't feel guilty about eating natural foods that have sugar. Just like protein, carbs & good fat, your body needs some sugar to function.…