I would like to chime in here. Approximately 7 years ago I quit smoking. And when I did that...I gained 35 pounds. So I was 125 when I quit...add 35 pounds that equals 160 pounds. I am 5'6" tall and I was 36 years old. I weighed 160 pounds when I gave birth to both of my kids. I was 22 and 27 when I had both of my kids. So…
There is an APP called COUCH to 5K Get it....its works and you wont be bored!!
People who think they are better than you SNOW
Good Luck and Welcome!!
I think this site is awesome too!! I went to Red Robin last weekend. And when I got home I checked this site to see if anything from Red Robin was in the database. To my surprise it was!! And Thank God I was watching the menu for something I thought would be low in calories...cuz I was thrilled when I noticed how little…
Thank you everyone for your input. I was seriously considering it. I have thought about it for a long time now. But I have already lost 6 pounds without I know the next 17 can come off too. And I am learning how to eat right in the process. I know I have to move more and eat right. I Thank You all again. :smile:
Nice to meet you. I am fairly new here too. 10 days now. But I too have learned quite a bit. I love this web site. Very informative and the people are so nice. Have a good day!!
No...she isn't taking it anymore. She looks good though. She was under a dr. care when she was on it.
I am interested in this also.
Great job!! Keep up the good work!! We are all so proud of you here.
Yes if u have a dvd player...get the 30 day shred by Jillian Micheals. It will kick your butt and it only takes 20 minutes. There are other dvd's that take less time than that. But fit what u can it when u can. The key it to move move move. So anything u do more than what u r doing now will help. Lay on the floor with your…
Hi. I am relatively new here too. I think this sight is just awesome!! So easy to use. It automatically adds up your calories. You can print out the reports. It is just so easy to use. I wish I knew about this months ago. But anyway we are here now....So lets get busy!! Good luck on your weight loss and I am here to…
Thanks Erika. Hope your having a good day!!