MrsC1st Member


  • I had no idea of how much exercise I should be doing, so I'm glad to have a place to ask questions and get good advice.
  • My husband has been concerned about the dangers of over doing it. Thanks for sharing
  • Thanks for the info
  • When I spoke of moderation I was talking about my caloric intake. I recently started exercising, so I didn't know any better. lol I guess I'll be cutting back now. I'm a stay at home mom, married twelve years, and my hobbies are reading/working out.
  • Hey, thanks for the advice. I'll consider taking at least one day off, maybe a Sunday.
  • Shrugs, I was told that if you don't know something ask someone, so i guess now I know better lol
  • Thanks
  • Thanks for all of the replies to this question, as I'm new to exercising and could use all of the advise I could get. I use the elliptical machine for one hour and thirty minutes, stationary bike for one hour, and treadmill for one hour, seven days a week. I eat fourteen hundred and fifty to fifteen hundred calories on…
  • Some of the things that you may do to curb anxiety are getting extra rest, exercise, and indulge in hobbies you enjoy; other than eating. You can try getting out of the house as much as possible before your surgery. You may want to try eating four to six small meals a day to curb binge eating, and try to eat a lot of…
  • I'm glad that you had the courage to start this post, as this post has some very good advice. I would say live in the present and leave the past in the past; never forget what the past has taught you. Hugs
  • I sure could use some help in this department of binge/emotional eating. feel free to add me..i love to offer motivation also