Isca_1 Member


  • I lift heavy weights @ the gym. I have asked my husband to come with and he said that he knows how much I enjoy it, that is my free time and he doesn't want to interfere with that. I am ok with that :D
  • I tried St John's Wort and it made me angrier/edgier. I stopped it. Lifting really heavy weights helps :) and having to apologize to my husband for a week straight...not sure how he puts up with me.
  • Soooooo much goodness in one bag!
  • Bulgarian split squats...I'm kind of a clutz. I have to stay close to something so I can get my balance. One day! One day! I will get it!
  • Just getting back into my lifting as I had been off for about a month being sick. Dropped the weight down, which makes me sad, but got everything in and did a bit of the eliptical for a cooldown (really hate cardio) Back squat 3x10 Front squat 4x10 Leg curl 4x10 Leg extension 4x10 Hip thrust 4x10 Felt pretty good, bit of a…
  • Great job! You should be very proud of yourself!
  • So great to see so many lifting still. I have been in a funk as of late...I still lift 5 days a week and I'm lifting pretty heavy (for me) I I am pleased. Really have to work on my food and macro stuff. Going to get back into tracking and counting my food. Really happy that I can move pretty heavy stuff....not…
  • I agree, everyday you get in the gym and do something is a win. Hard to do at times, but... I am finding I am bit off during that time, get pretty weak and then after it's like a surge of strength. But I am pretty please how my numbers are going up. Have been going still 5 days a week at the gym...but I can't get in and…
  • Well, it's been a while, and I need to get back to typing everything down and logging my foods...been trying to get some meal plans together to hit the goals of my lifting, while dropping fat. One thing at a time I guess. I started this new lifting program in June after 5x5. So far I'm really enjoying it and have moved…
  • What someone already stated...alan thrall and/or mark rippetoe for form. If something is hurting, something is wrong and it usually comes back to user error. Good luck!!
  • Start simple and go from there. Some good programs listed above. I started with New Rules of Lifting for Women. I had NOOOO idea what I was doing walking into the gym last year. Dec I started Stronglifts. Beginning of June I started Thiner, Leaner, Stonger, which I am really enjoying. I also bought Starting Strength to…
  • Watch the video. I was having issues with the skin pinching and got gloves. Kept reading and watching, then changed my grip. Big difference. I also use a pumice on my hands when I get calluses on the inside of my hands.
  • So it's been just over a month since I started my new 5 days a week split. I have been off this week as I came down with Strep (ugh!). But picking back up tomorrow on day 3. So far, I have been really enjoying the split. I can see changes in my arms, back, calves and quads. My husband says that everything seems to be…
  • My boys are picky eaters, and I have the same notion that my parents had when I was kid. I put cooked food on the table, you eat it, great, you don't, oh well. You get nothing else. We had 8 people in the house, and my mom was not going to cook different meals for everyone. I started getting my youngest into helping me…
  • Granted I haven't lost a huge amount, but I have gone from a 42DD to a 38DD. So basically, I have lost a bunch of my rib cage. I have found that lifting (5days a week breakdown) that they are 'very' perky now, as my husband says. Honestly, I don't expect them to go away (though a B cup would be lovely), as genetically, I…
  • I started New Rules for Lifting for Women last year. I enjoyed it, was great to start out with, as I had no idea what the heck I was doing in the gym. I bought the Starting Strength book shortly after, as I had no idea what I was doing with the big lifts, and the book was more in depth at explaining things. Some things I…
    in Deep squats Comment by Isca_1 July 2016
  • Thank you very much! I'm 5'8, which average I guess. Wonderful, I will not add back any food from exercise and go with the flat rate of 1800. Re-evaluate in a month and adjust. Thanks again!
  • Thanks for this! I have a bit of weight to lose and I started lifting 5 days a week June 5 with this new program. I love, love, love it. I now have decided that I want to really focus in on getting my protein in (which I'm terrible at) and losing about 30pds. I have been very sloppy at doing anything with my food the last…
  • If your gym has the aerobic steps, try using those to get the bar and lower weight plates off the ground to a lvl that is good for you. I do those with the barbell row, helps out a ton. I stopped doing 5x5 last week (can I still post??) I found that I hit some pretty good weights doing the program, but I deloaded due to…
  • Sorry, what do you mean by the sticking point?
  • Been out for a bit, not checking in. Summer always crazy it seems. Great to see everyone doing so well! Still working on my hip getting back to normal. Had another adjustment on Sat, and stayed away from the gym until Tues. Got in and was feeling really good for a change. I have started doing some yoga stretches before…
  • I have been having this crazy hip pain on the left side. I had been working really hard on form and thought that it was just not stretching the hips out, etc. Turns out my hips were out of alignment again (really painful!) Had an adjustment on tues of last week...and was in pain until this past Sat. Was crazy. I missed…
  • Eep sorry just catching up. Thinner, Leaner, Stronger - Michael Matthews is the book.
  • I think I saw these on an Allan Thrall video. Awesome for stretching. First time I did it, I was like ooowwww this hurts. But slowly getting better. The pain in my hip is awesome. Not really. Everything down the left side hurts today, sciatic, hip joint, even my index finger on the left side. So not impressed right now.…
  • 5minty - heh thanks. Today was off day. I have been reading a new book on lifting, and in the next couple of months going to change to that. Will be 5 days a week. So started now with 5 days. Went in, did 1x10@45pd squat, 3x10@95pds. Really working on form. Hit the bike, 20 mins 2 min slowish, 1.min quick. Finished with…
  • Heh, nice, title. Finally got some new sneaks on sun, was excited to try em out. Felt pretty weak today and i really had to push it. Disappointing as the weight wasn't near what it was. Sl Squat 5x5@155lbs Bp 5x5@105pds Barbell row 5x5@110pds Hopefully, next session won't be as hard
  • Aww thanks dcresider. Really trying hard to get form right. lwhayes820 - Nice job! Keep up the great work! sixpacklady - Good job! Love coming in here and seeing all the great work being done! I really wish we all worked out at the same gym, it's disheartening to go into my gym and be the only woman in the free weight…
  • Yesterday was off day. 20 mins of bike riding, planks 2x30 secs, and did squats. Working hard on form, no knee pain. Did 1 set 10 reps @45pds; 1 set 10 reps @65pds, 3 set x10 reps @ 95 pds. Today Sl Squat 5x5@145pds Ohp 5x5 @65pds Dl 1x7@ 145pds So far, im sore for once. Going up the stairs hurt at work lol.