harlanJEN Member


  • THIS ^^^ 2 weeks is a blip on the screen. Things to consider: what are your goals? Are you grossly overweight with much fat to lose or are you leanER and seeking body comp changes? how much are you eating and what is the quality? Are you working out too much for the energy consumption? those last 2 points are especially…
  • INDEED! I will also recommend Geneen Roth to you on the subject of emotional eating. She has many books but the one I recommend grabbing first is : if You Are Going To Eat At The Refrigerator - Pull Up A Chair.
  • Same here ! Minus the water chestnuts. Interesting! I also add in Turmeric and a dash of spicy pickle juice - from my jar of spicy pickles :) I just eat it out of a bowl with a fork. Pita chips ... ohh yumm!
  • Body composition. On any given day you could line up 5 women who are same height and weight but they will look different sizes and wear different sizes or who wear same size, but be diff weights - however you want to look at it. Moral of story: BMI charts are a guide. Starting point. Body composition cannot be taken into…
  • Why do u want to be under 110? You are certainly not overweight. maybe you want to gain? My advice: if you are seeking body changes relative to size and definition, strength, firmness aka tone - don't seek to lose weight. Focus on body recomposition. Eat as high as you can and add progressive strength training to your…
  • May I please say this makes me : ( 1400 should never have to be your maintenance cals - certainly nothing lower. I'm 50 . 5'4 . Around your weight, size 8 . Straight up size 8. I maintain with a very doable lifestyle activity level @ 2200 cals. I enjoy my food, my activity. Anyone can. PROMISE!! I challenge you to rethink…
  • Wolfman just gave you great advice. Lasting fat loss = it works. Fast weight loss = usually fails to work because it usually doesn't last. Go for lasting fat loss : ) the key is changing lifestyle habits for Life. One step at a time. it truly isn't a race and the scale is certainly not the best tool to use to gauge…
  • ^^^^^ Full of WIN! Indeed. It truly truly comes down to our inherent body type. There ARE things we can change / improve upon to a degree. There are things that we simply cannot. It's how we are made. It truly comes down to embracing ourselves and being accepting of the awesome bodies that we do have. WE are always always…
  • Ohhh! You are a tire flipper !! : ) 32
  • WATER. is WATER. Water in veg, fruit, non-caffeinated drinks contribute to your daily hydration, put keep it SIMPLE : Water. is WATER ;) I am to drink TWO 32 oz. tumblers of water per day. More if I'm working out / sweating. I keep it with me at all times.
  • Suncluster - Cabernet with a hint of banana ; )
  • Yo! I'm a Harlan county girl ..... In the Bowling Green area now
  • It's pretty much a DIRE emergency. Heat up the oven - throw in some bacon to fry up. Dark chocolate in some form to go with said bacon. Ingest slowy - savor every single bite. If you eat too fast then .. welll .. you don't want to know. Ooops! too late??
  • LOVE mex food ! It's the tortillas ( & chips ) that add up the cals quickly. Opt for protein and veg. Fajitas without the tortillas = a big plate of FOOD. Carne Asada. Carnitas. Camarones. Grilled Veg. Beans. Build your meal around THAT. I always want some chips so I choose some chips & salsa over a tortilla which is…
  • Yo. Strength Training. Quality vs. Quantity in terms of intensity : MRT & HIIT vs. steady state cardio. Strength Training. Did I mention that ? :) Aim for the "Trifecta" : Protein, Complex Carbs & Healthy Fats. Plenty of Sleep. Water. Consistency. Realistic expectations. Such as: doesn't happen overnight.; may always have…
  • It's an NSAID anti-inflammatory. I've used them all :) Weight gain was zero issue. Wanting to be on an anti-inflammatory for any extended period of time : ( I wouldn't worry about it short term. Meloxicam is a pretty powerful anti-inflammatory, but it has to be in your system a while. It works a bit diff than Ibuprofen or…
  • 17 here too : )
  • I'm 50. I lift heavy and plan to do so for the rest of my life Now! With that said : Google: Ernestine Shepherd / thread
  • Get after it!! You have to decide if you want it and are READY. if so, nothing much will stop you. It MUST be a lifestyle change. Kick the diet mentality to the curb. It's not a diet, it's LIFE. Small steps add up --- don't try to change everything all at once. http://www.getwithitforlife.com/gotta-eat-gonna-lose/
  • Progressive programs are key. My primary fitness is lifting heavy. I follow programs. I don't do DVDs for 2 reasons: They would annoy me I won't workout at home I need the mental space of being OUT and in a training environment. I view home as Home and I get too distracted YOU. you need to find what you enjoy and works for…
  • OF COURSE they do ! I may even be as bold to say : A whole HECK of a lot more than the scale. I lost most of my weight in the first year. Got to my "goal" size of 12. Since then, I've lost relatively very little weight ( in fact gained a bit before trending back down) but am SMALLER. Solid size 8 and can squeeze into a 6…
  • I redacted the OPs post to highlight what popped out at me that I LOVED: tiny size 8 friend I'm now a size 8 and I've never felt tiny - so this made me SMILE. And NO - the comment wasn't acceptable - just gotta chalk it up to butt heads that open mouth, insert foot. He prob thought he was being "cute" and making…
  • no worries - very unlikely it's a true gain. True gain = FAT gain. We all have water and glycogen stores and when they are " topped off" which is normal & happens when we up cals from a deficit - our weight can and will be about 2-5 lbs higher. I average 3 lbs fluctuation. BTW: 190O cals for a man isn't much. Your TDEE is…
  • EXCELLENT EXCELLENT advice. The point in weighing your food is to become mindful and aware of how much we are eating and what a serving truly is - it can be very eye opening. calorie dense foods can totally wreck your train if you are not keeping it REAL by knowing how much you are truly eating. A TB of peanut butter "…
  • IN .. for the dream. I have my $10 ready !
  • Planet Fitness. If they have a dress code policy and said members became members and thereby agreed to the policy = gotta adhere to it. A well-fitting sports bra and yoga pants is NOT unusual or out-of-line gym attire. However, if the gym says "x" shall not be worn then gotta roll with it - or find another gym. RANT ALERT:…
  • FAIR. Let's explore that: I think of these definitions when I hear the word Fair - as in " it isn't fair" or "it is Fair". marked by impartiality and honesty free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism conforming with the established rules What you are describing is indeed frustrating - we have all prob been there…
  • Greetings! 5'4 and in the neighborhood of 178-183. Size 8 and strength training my way down to a size 6. Size Medium in tops For perspective: before I strength trained, my smallest size was a 12 @ 165 lbs.