

  • About a week ago i woke up to a migraine that was so painful i thought my brains was being crushed. My vision was blurry and I had shortness of breath. When I moved even slightly a surge of pain shot to my head. I finally checked my blood pressure and it was 219/176 with a pulse of 105. I new I had to lose weight or lose…
  • I just finished my 3rd workout of fatloss 2. I have to say It is awesome. I do have a hard time doing lunges though. I lose ballance. I cant wait for fatloos 3. Also the Intervals Alwyn C. suggest are harder than I thought they would be. Austin
  • Just completed day 1 of fat-loss 2. It was actually a lot funner than i expected it t be. I had to sub barbell for dumbells in some of the exercises. but all around it is a nice program. Austin
  • Okay here you go. Take about 2 cups of raw spinach 1 clove of choped garlic table spoon or two of olive oil place oil in pan. let it get nice and hot and add your garlic, and 1 minute later add your spinach. Cook for 3 or four minutes. salt and peeper to taste. you can add more or less garlic depending on your tastes This…
  • I am in. Name: Austin Current Weight: 301 Goal Weight: 201 I would like to drop 40 pounds during the 90 days
  • Good Work! For those of us who are trying to accomplish what you have. Can you tell us how you did such an amazing transformation. Austin