
  • hdjjones
    hdjjones Posts: 130 Member
    I've had many that I should have reacted to but chose to ignore, the little kid in the store that stares at you because your so big. The two girls on the ride at Disney Land that complained I was so big it ruined their ride so they were given another right away. The guy in the boat that told his son "no, he's just fat". But the real clincher came when I was put in the hospital. I had a number of problems but it all boiled down to the fact that my weight was causing it all, and it was going to kill me, and soon. My home page shows that I have lost 37 lbs since joining MFP, but my total weight loss since leaving the hospital in August of this year is 107 lbs. Believe me, I aint looking back.:drinker:
  • felcandy
    felcandy Posts: 228 Member
    My wedding pictures just came in and i look .... horrible.
  • mistimn
    mistimn Posts: 58 Member
    wow, I feel very fortunate to have rad some of your stories. It takes a lot to share such personal information about yourself. Congratulations to all of you :)
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I have had many moments over the years - just about every time I looked at a photo of me - but recently I was declined for health insurance and "height/weight" was one of the reasons listed, along with a combination of a couple of minor health history issues. I always thought of myself as fat BUT healthy:[ I don't have diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol and I could run up a (short) flight of stairs. In actuality, my weight/BMI put me in the obese classification (I celebrated when I made it over the line to the "overweight" range) and that is unhealthy.

    About this same time I saw photos from a family wedding I attended. I had a new sundress that I thought was so cute, but I looked just terrible. I cringe to think the photos the bride and groom will look at all their lives will include a big, striped, round me in them. (Why, oh, why did I go with stripes???)

    I have lost weight before and kept it off for a few years but I have never managed to make being fit a permanent lifestyle and priority.
  • aeich8899
    aeich8899 Posts: 55 Member
    My moment was when my doctor said that if I did not start to lose weight I will get diabetes very soon. My mom is dying from diabetes from not taking care of her self. And it is all preventable. When I got on the scale at that apt. I was 270 pounds. The heaviest I had ever been. I'm now on my way to not getting diabetes and being the healthiest I have ever been.
  • glitteredgrave
    glitteredgrave Posts: 194 Member
    Old pictures vs. new pictures. Gets me every time :,(
  • jkmiller82
    jkmiller82 Posts: 214 Member
    Mine came when I started going back to school and had to get the picture taken for my school I.D. Those things are never good, but mine really scared me. I barely recognized myself. I plan on losing the weight before I have to renew my driver's license!
  • amber1533
    amber1533 Posts: 117 Member
    I've had many that I should have had. I have diabetes/HBP I am only 24, I had a miscarriage (which my doc hinted that it was because of my weight despite having a healthy baby at this same weight) None of that really hit me cause I didn't want to moderate my food, I didn't want to give up my sweet/salty/processed foods.

    Then just the other day actually I just started researching what all these foods I was "in love" with was actually doing to me. The more I read the more I tried to find counter arguments but nothing really matched what I knew was true. If I ever want to be healthy I need to completely change how I eat. I guess that was my I've had it moment. I just got sick of feeling sleepy, cranky, depressed, anxious, on meds, achy so I'm changing that.
  • StephG1130
    StephG1130 Posts: 99 Member
    My I'VE HAD IT moment was in April at my sister's wedding. I was one of her bridesmaids, and was COMPLETELY disgusted in the way I looked. I was easily 15 sizes bigger than every single person in the wedding... I wanted to hide all night long. Looking at pictures afterwards just pushed me harder. I lost 30 lbs in 3 months, and then quit trying. Now I'm back at it, and not stopping until I am done! My mindset is completely different this time around, and I love it!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I had it when I found out I was pregnant with my son back in June of 2011, and started losing. 10 months post partum I am actually happy to no longer be 243. I also think back to why I did what i did, and there was technically no excuse for letting myself plump up the way i did. I should have gotten out and exercised more after my mom died in 2009, but I can't change what I did, I can only change the present, with each day. I am proud of myself, and will keep going!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    When my then 6 yeart old son told me I should go on the biggest loser and when I weighed 290 lbs without ballistic vest, gun belt or equipment..
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    I've had a couple...when I was at my last prenatal visit and saw obese on my chart, when I took my daughter to the fair and the guy struggled push down on the bar on the ride, when my son asked me if was ever able to wrap his arms around me...he wasn't being rude, he honestly couldn't remember a time and that was my final moment. I will never have a moment again, not those kind of moments. From here on in it's going to be awesome! This year, when we went to the fair, I could go on the rides, and my son, was able to wrap his arms around me :smile: I still have a long way to go, but I'm going to get there.
  • JayStu
    JayStu Posts: 332 Member
    My I'VE HAD IT moment came from a combination of my brother telling me that I won't have kids because what girl is going to like you and having a girl i like say in front of me that she only likes guys that are inshape. So i started my new life style and met a new girl that I want to be the guy she won't push away.
  • dazza_098
    dazza_098 Posts: 78 Member
    my ive had it moment was late last year when someone who imo was alot bigger then me kept calling me fat, insulting me everytime i made something to eat, saying BANG CRASH everytime i got on the scales or OH GET OFF ME YOUR TOO BIG and yet he was and still is bigger then when i started probably bigger now (dont mean to be insulting but its a kick in the teeth for confidence being in that situation) so then i thought my new years resolution is to start up a diet and lose weight and here i am almost a year later 60 pounds down with 19 pounds to go till i hit my goal feeling better then ever and full of confidence :D
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    It came a few years ago. I was excited to finally see "Honk If You're Horny" at the local movie theater. You might remember it, starring Faye Dunaway and Pauly Shore.

    When I asked for my ticket, the kid at the window said that he had to check with the manager first. So, then, the manager comes over and tells me, "I'm terribly sorry, sir, but I'm afraid our facilities are not equipped to meet your needs."


    When I asked what he meant by that, he replied, "What I'm saying, sir, is that a man of your carriage couldn't possibly fit in our seats." I offered to sit in the aisle, but he said that it would violate the fire code.

    Then, some guy standing by the door yelled, "Hey, Fatty! I've got a movie for ya: A Fridge Too Far!" as everyone outside the theater began to laugh at me. The manager sensed my rising anger, and tried to placate me with a free garbage bag full of popcorn. Before leaving with what little dignity I had remaining, I told him, "This may surprise you, but you can't buy me off with food. I'm sick of all your stereotypes and cheap jokes! The overweight individuals in this country are just as smart and talented and hard working as everybody else. And they're going to make their voices heard!"

    Today, my voice is heard, here on MyFitnessPal.

    good for you!!!!
  • bluechip777
    bluechip777 Posts: 160 Member
    Bump for AMAZING Hugs to all of you!!! I relate for so many reasons already mentioned.
  • About a week ago i woke up to a migraine that was so painful i thought my brains was being crushed. My vision was blurry and I had shortness of breath. When I moved even slightly a surge of pain shot to my head. I finally checked my blood pressure and it was 219/176 with a pulse of 105. I new I had to lose weight or lose life.
  • sammiesmama73
    sammiesmama73 Posts: 14 Member
    When I realized I have very few Pictures of myself with my almost 2 year old daughter. I delete every picture because I look too Fat . My Husband has 100's of pictures with her, mostly because I am the one that usually takes the pictures, but when he takes one of me I get sooo upset and delete it. We still haven't taken a "Family Photo" because I know I will be disappointed when I see how Big I look. So here I am, 5 days in and 5 lbs lost. Yay
  • shandi_b
    shandi_b Posts: 153 Member
    I've had a few near 'I've had it' moments over the past few years and sometimes I think I have managed to convince myself that I'm not all that bad etc. I was never overweight in my teenage years and early 20's but from about the age of 27 my weight just kept going p, I'd lose a little and then out more on and then lose again....yoyo city.
    Fast forward to this year and I started having muscle weakness and painful joints in my hands and feet and unable to do my weekly Pilates class and then I gained even more weight.....went to the doctors and they ran tests and although initially some showed as positive for autoimmune type stuff.....they did further tests which were negative.... At which point they basically said...."lose weight, it's probably the excess weight that is causing your issues or maybe your just depressed"

    Their comments made me soooo MAD, it was like they were using my weight as an excuse for something they couldn't figure out. But then I have been using my weight as an excuse for different things and reasons over the years.

    This time I am going to lose weight and hopefully all the health issues along with it!

    The other benefit I am looking forward to is looking half decent in photos again! :). (but it's not my main motivating factor)
  • tru2m3
    tru2m3 Posts: 31
    The other day.....seeing a reflection of myself in a mirrior at work, its past time!