

  • when I get the munchies, I first down the biggest glass of water I can. I actually found that I was just thirsty and somehow I've trained my body that when I'm thirsty, I eat. As far as ideas: - Everyone elses ideas a good - If its just the munching, try popcorn (NO ADDED BUTTER) there are some decent "butter flavored"…
  • Hey, if my story can offer you even the slightest encouragement, I'm all for it. Glad you enjoyed it :)
  • You've got this!
    in Newbie!! Comment by equillian April 2011
  • haha I know, it's like... you're looking at that cookie going "I will not let you STEAL MY CALORIES!"
  • What everyone else has said is great so I'm not going to rehash... some things I thought of: Exercise is a great way to offset the extra calories you get so find something you like... also... If its possible, why not consider making a garden. It doesnt have to be fancy and it works two fold: You get free veggies AND you…
  • Just got done speaking with my doc and starting this diet thing, I was told once every week or two. Also, something to note: a famale's weight fluctuates FAR more than a male. So the further apart you can do your weighins the better. I'd suggest every other week.