

  • I compete in Ithaca, NY. Not sure how far that is from you. I've competed for the IPA and SPF. If you have specific question I can do my best to answer.
  • My trainer has me do 3 days of strength training with a decent warm up first (10-15 minutes). Then I do intense cardio 2 x's a week, but I never do heavy lifting and heavy cardio on the same day.
  • you should do cardio first - at least some. Your joints expand when they are warm. If you strength train cold you put your body at more of a risk for injury because things have more room to slip into the wrong places.
  • Make sure you eat enough protein. You should eat as many grams of protein as pounds you weigh. Example, 100 lbs is 100 grams. Most people eat too many carbs and not enough protein. Also, lifting like a man - heavy weighs will not make you bulk unless you take suppliments and eat a ton of calories. Trust me!
  • Have you tried setting small goals? It seems to help me. Also, I start studying nutrition to feed my mind with healthy stuff.
  • I work so I need to pack my lunch in the morning. I always make a salad and include some meat either leftover meat from the night(s) before or the chicken in a can. I try to stay away from deli meat if possible. And then some sort of fruit.
  • Swings... I can't even push my kids on them :(
  • I read a book called the Abs Diet. It wasn't a "diet" as much as teaching you the right way to eat and why certain foods are good. I highly recommend it as a learning tool. My trainer says don't eat anything that comes from a box. I try to stick to that as much as possible. Last, but not least, stick with it. If you have a…
  • I have never understood 1/2-ing the bills when you are married. My husband and I have always put our money in 1 account, paid the bills, bought groceries, and then decided what to do with the rest. He make a lot more than I do, but I do the laundry, dishes, etc. It's a relationship. Maybe you guys should look at a more…
  • The trainer I see recommends I take a Fish Oil pill with breakfast. It's a good source of Omega 3
  • Here is a basic list provided to me by my trainer I am working with. Protein - Boneless / Skinless chicken breast - Wild Fish - Fresh eggs - Protein powder ( makes things a little easier if you're in a rush or on the go ) - Lean ground turkey - Lean beef - Wild game Carbohydrates - Old - fashioned oatmeal - Ezekiel Bread -…
    in Food Ideas Comment by Bobbejo April 2011