Which of your irrational fears would you ditch?



  • Twylyght
    Twylyght Posts: 224 Member
    In my mind all of my fears are rational!! I am deathly afraid of bridges over water! There is no way if my car went into the water to be able to wait til the car filled up with water to open the door (to much pressure to open it before then) I would drown and die!! I am also nervous in elevators when there are more than 4 people in them. I am fine in a small space by myself, but throw in a couple people I think my world is closing in and I'm dying (okay, maybe a lil irrational there) And of course I am terrified of clowns, and I hate them too! They are evil, one of the few things on this earth that I think are 100% evil! Spiders scare me but I will kill them and be fine.
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    Anything with more than four limbs... totally wrong. Spiders get by unharmed if they a) stay far away from me and b) eat the other unacceptable bugs, but only nowhere near me. I had to skip to the end of this topic thanks to the icky pictures :(
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Creeped right the F*** out by those Camel Spiders. Oh my god if I saw that in real life I would literally start crying. It's an abomination that those mutant freaks even exist.
    And all the other bugs....like the one eating the BIRD! I need to go take a shower now, I feel dirty and itchy.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    want to talk irrational fears?? i am afraid of the PHONE. seriously.

    I can't call people, i can't pick up phone numbers I don't know... and if I have to call them BACK it gives me so much anxiety that i need to lie on the floor in the fetal position. no joke. it seriously hinders my life! I try to make scripts, and i rehearse like crazy. I can't make my own appointments or even order a pizza!! I'm even afraid to call family members or close friends unless it is their direct cell phone number.
    Me too!!!
    I can't even talk to my family. I don't call my own mother on mothers day. I've been know to keep a bad job for several years because the phone calls required to get a new job are too much for me to handle. I'll go into a full blown panic attack just talking to my husband.
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member

    *whimpers and runs away*
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Creeped right the F*** out by those Camel Spiders. Oh my god if I saw that in real life I would literally start crying. It's an abomination that those mutant freaks even exist.
    And all the other bugs....like the one eating the BIRD! I need to go take a shower now, I feel dirty and itchy.

    Oh this cracked me up! lol

    It is an abomination that they exist. lol and yes I feel all itchey too.
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Anything with less legs than me or more legs than my dog!
  • Bobbejo
    Bobbejo Posts: 12
    Swings... I can't even push my kids on them :(
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    I have a severe phobia of DRIVING over or across bridges...I literally cannot do it. (Funny thing is I grew up on an island and crossed large bridges everyday!) I panic and scream and will stop the car. I am able to be DRIVEN across bridges as a passenger. But if they are really scary ones I get nervous. It is an awful phobia and now it makes me nervous to travel on HWYS because I am always afraid that I will come across a river or a bridge I didnt know was there. I use google earth and google images a lot to check out bridges on routes I am planning on taking.


    Nice to know I'm not the only one. I just KNOW that I will die by driving off a bridge! Get creeped out just thinking about it.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member

    These suckers are why I will never EVER visit the middle east... along with everything else in the middle east. lol haha

    I am also afraid of being alone in the house by myself at night... if I hear the slightest noise, it about brings me to tears I am so terrified.

    Are you serious? That looks like something out of a sci-fi movie! Is that thing for real?
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Do you have a paralyzing fear of something? Wish you didn't?

    Yes. Pirates. Thanks a bunch.

    Oh and a "Texas" Burial.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member

    These suckers are why I will never EVER visit the middle east... along with everything else in the middle east. lol haha

    I am also afraid of being alone in the house by myself at night... if I hear the slightest noise, it about brings me to tears I am so terrified.

    Are you serious? That looks like something out of a sci-fi movie! Is that thing for real?

    YES it is sooo totally for real. They are only found in the middle east tho. So unless you live there, you should be safe. that is why it is an "irrational" fear of mine, lol I know that I wont ever see one, but bygolly they freak the bajeebers out of me.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    Claustrophobia. Wasn't as a child, happened suddenly when I was 18.

    Needles. Although I'm fine with tattoo needles because I can rationalize that they aren't really needles.

    Creepy crawlies give me the shudders but I'm still the one that has to kill 'em while my friends are on the highest piece of furniture. Lol.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Butterflies because they are the work of the Devil. Just evil and vile and anyone who likes them is just plain weird!

    WHAT!?! I love butterflies! Actually, I'm pretty sure they're a gift from God. They come from rainbows ya know. :bigsmile:
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    want to talk irrational fears?? i am afraid of the PHONE. seriously.

    I can't call people, i can't pick up phone numbers I don't know... and if I have to call them BACK it gives me so much anxiety that i need to lie on the floor in the fetal position. no joke. it seriously hinders my life! I try to make scripts, and i rehearse like crazy. I can't make my own appointments or even order a pizza!! I'm even afraid to call family members or close friends unless it is their direct cell phone number.

    I am the same way! Maybe not quite as bad, but I get extremely anxious whenever I have to call someone or answer an unknown call.

    Also, I can't stand to be in the house at night with any curtains open. I actually hid behind a piece of furniture for 10 minutes the other night because I realized I forgot to close my office shades and couldn't walk past the window!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I have an irrational fear (or maybe not so irrational) of whatever is under my bed at night. I have a flashlight shining in that direction when I get in bed because the light will keep it from coming after my feet.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I have a severe phobia of DRIVING over or across bridges...I literally cannot do it. (Funny thing is I grew up on an island and crossed large bridges everyday!) I panic and scream and will stop the car. I am able to be DRIVEN across bridges as a passenger. But if they are really scary ones I get nervous. It is an awful phobia and now it makes me nervous to travel on HWYS because I am always afraid that I will come across a river or a bridge I didnt know was there. I use google earth and google images a lot to check out bridges on routes I am planning on taking.


    Nice to know I'm not the only one. I just KNOW that I will die by driving off a bridge! Get creeped out just thinking about it.

    My sister is the same, which I realized when I rode with her going over the Golden Gate bride. She puts one hand on the roof of the car and steers with the other, screaming the entire time. She doesn't even know why she puts the hand on the roof but it's a requirement.
  • hovex031
    hovex031 Posts: 8 Member
    I would totally ditch my fear of Cockroaches! Ever want to hear a blood-curly scream? Put on anywhere near me and I'll flip. I can't even look at them at the zoo! Dis-gust-ing!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    Enough said

    Dang that guy is COOL!!
    Okay, so I like spiders (just not on me) ... so sue me :laugh:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Unless consumed in a pina colada or red thai curry.
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