Riebeckite Member


  • Speaking as a dedicated Diet Coke drinker, I don't like Coke Zero because it tastes too much like regular Coke for me. On the other hand, that's why my other half drinks Coke Zero, because he prefers the taste over Diet Coke. So we buy the flats of both Coke Zero and Diet Coke when Costco has them so we each have our own…
  • Thank you for growing high quality good produce that requires minimal transportation! The other thing that people often forget (in my experience) is that major producers take advantage of subsidies and tax credits/loopholes that are not available to the small producer. My family is still working to transition to only high…
  • Yesterday I planned to go to a movie after work with friends, so during the afternoon, I assessed how many calories I had left and measured out two snacks to take with me to the movie (sesame sticks and dried cherries). Those snacks, plus a bottle of water and some bell pepper left over from lunch were great at the movie,…