sahonya Member


  • I agree! It is definitely a plateau. A good work out routine would really help you overcome that hurdle. I did weight watchers a few years back and after losing 20 pounds I hit that point. I sympathize with you! That is a helpless feeling but you can overcome it. There is hope!!! I started exercising more routinely and it…
    in HELP! Comment by sahonya May 2008
  • Hi everyone! My name is Sonya and I am up to the challenge! I have been up and down with my weight since I can remember. I have always dieted and fluctuated back and forth. I have joined the gym and plan to exercise and reach goals I've always wanted to. My friend told me about this site and I love it. I'm so excited to…
    in New Member Comment by sahonya May 2008
  • Stacy London from What Not to Wear says, "Dress the body you have not the one you want to have" I think that you should treat yourself and buy new clothes as you lose weight. I feel that it is a reward for losing those pounds. You are accomplishing your goals one step at a time and you should feel good as you move forward.…