

  • LMFAO please keep me posted
  • I start week 4 day 1 tomorrow. and I scared ****less. I'm having a little trouble with jogging 3minutes straight. Does anyone have a suggestion on the speed you should havey our treatmill on when doing it?
    in C25K Comment by pebs120 May 2011
  • I dont see 2lbs a week an issue. then again i weight more than you (185 when i started-176now.) and that was the goal i entered in on mfp. and to be honest i've been doing it. a friend of mine on here has lost 21lbs already(in 5weeks), but again she weight about the same as me, or at least she did when we started. When i…
  • Way to go homes. That must have you pushing for more. Keep it up!
  • Hey, You've definitely come to the right place for advice and motivation. Have you been eating 5x a day? 3 meals and 2 snacks?? and it's all in small portions. maybe that's where you've been going wrong. I’m doing Turbo Fire. Wicked, if you can get it. it comes with all the tools you'll need. check it out on the Beach Body…