laphibbs Member


  • Hey, use whatever motivates you!!! show her you can do it!!
  • Hi there! I am definitely guilty of emotional eating and giving myself "treats" when I am stressed/upset/tired, etc... In those situations I don't want to feel deprived at all, so I eat like crazy! I would love to be a part of this group!
  • Hi all! I'm Linda. I turn 50 in December, so I thought this would be a great group for me to join! I am trying to lose the same 40 pounds that I have lost and regained numerous times during my adult life, but this time it is being very stubborn and it doesn't want to budge! Something has changed!! So I am anxious to get…
  • Well, you could use a light bun, veggie burger of some sort, fat free 1000 island dressing, and light cheese... I don't have the nutritional info in front of me, but that would be a lighter option for a Big Mac...