

  • If you read the book, you would see that she follows up the first 10 days with additional plans, and a maintenance plan. Her theory is to KISS: Keep It Simple...Taking the guessing out of calorie or carb counting with a daily plan. The workouts and nutrition change for each stage of the plan.
  • I started this monday, 2 days ago, and agree with the other posts...feeling totally satisfied! I am worried about st. patrick's day on saturday! Many temptations! question for those doing it, or have done it...what do you think about sushi? obviously the veggie kind...I had a cucumber roll, avocado roll, and vegetable…
  • Isn't Anemia a deficiency in iron? If so, try green leafy vegetables, like kale and spinach to up your iron. Beans are a sure go to for a vegetarian protein! I've recently found spaghetti made out of black beans...found it at whole founds in the japanese section. Super yummy and high in protein, low carb! Good luck, stay…