OOOH gosh it feel so good to know I'm not the only one! Today I bought some popcorn to bring to a friends house for a "comfort food" potluck (the premade stuff with cheese on it) and ate almost all of it. Which, ya know, it's popcorn, right? NBD? NOPE. almost all of my calories. Absolutely not worth it. I would so much…
I don't know why, but it felt impossible to get out and run today. :( I finally did, but man I was not feeling it! Posting on here has definitely helped me see how often I opt for an easy, short run, over a more challenging run. I've got a 5K coming up mid December and I'm hoping to PR. OOF. :) 11/02--2.18miles 11/08--4.59…
Today's run was beautiful! It was sunny and not too cold. :) 11/02--2.18miles 11/08--4.59 11/09--3.17 11/11--2.67 11/15--2.62 11/17--2.32 11/18--4.23 11/20--3.2 24.98/40
I'm glad this discussion is happening. I love the body positivity movement--but I just feel like it's denial to say that weight doesn't factor into health. I've worked at a hospital for 5+ years (with many overweight and obese patients) and grown up with obese family members. I can say that the quality of life that I…
I missed tracking on here for a couple days, so I gotta catch up! Ugh--the month of november has been erratic at best. :( Hopefully the second half will be more regular!! :) We had a wind storm here for a couple days, and so I decided to brave the wind on the 17th, and it just killed me. It made me extra thankful for less…
I went grocery shopping today, and I've been feeling sort of emotional-eating prone and snacky as of late, but as I was reaching for the classic junk food, I remembered how I felt last time I ate too much junk food, and decided not to buy it. Yay! It felt like an easy decision for the first time in a long time. :) then I…
Today felt pretty good. :) it was beautiful and sunny but COLD. this poor woman was running with her dog for the first time, and she most definitely had a faster pace than I did, but the dog would stop her ever 30 seconds to smell something, so we wound up being accidental running partners for the day. Hah. :smiley:…
I love running in the rain, until it turns into a complete downpour and I can't see anymore. Then it's not so fun. But it always feels like a bit more of an adventure when it starts to rain mid-run. :)
I got home from work today and it was JUST too beautiful to not go outside and run. Which is probably a good thing since it's almost a third of the way through the month and my miles are severely lacking. ;) 11/02--2.18miles 11/08--4.59 11/09--3.17 9.94/40
FINALLY had a day off and some time to get a run in today. :) YAY! (annnnd I skipped out on the run I had said I'd do on Friday. This month guys...this month). I'm doing a 5K in December and want to skim some time off my last 5k. Here's to a better week with lots of miles!! :) 11/02--2.18miles 11/08--4.59
Oooof! Life came at me the past two days. Posting so that I can commit to running tomorrow!!
Yesterday I sat down with my family and figured out our family tree going back three generations for a school assignment. That's my motivation today. Outside of two people, no one lived past 63. There was lots of preventable illness. I may have those genes, but I'm going to control my future and lifespan (and enjoyment of…
I'm in (and new!) for this challenge! My November goal is going to be 40 miles. I've been having a hard time actually getting out there regularly--so hopefully this will help me with some consistency!! :) 11/02--2.18miles
Today my motivation is how I feel this morning. Last night I treated myself to some trader joes treats (...quite a bit less than I have in the past. It's amazing how your body changes and gets used to healthy eating...or maybe I just used to always feel horrible. Lol) and I feel HORRIBLE this morning. My tummy is upset and…
(Ah! It got cut off) anyways, downloading this app and tracking just felt right. I think the recent memory of how i WAS feeling is my motivation right now. Eventually I will have to find motivation somewhere else, but for now, it just feels right to be on a good track towards health. Yay!!
Ahh! I love this thread! I also just started back up, and it was because things became unmanageable again. I have a stressful life at the moment, and I took time off of my jobs to work on my senior thesis project, and found myself just...melancholy? I had meant to run everyday, eat well and finish my projects and NONE of…
Choosing a different size blizzard is TOTALLY a great start. I have been on a very similar journey, and it has had lots of ups and downs, but I have to say that I'm thankful for each of them. Overall I've learned a lot about myself and I have had the opportunity to work on my emotional health because of how it manifests in…
This morning was my first GF/DF breakfast, so instead of my usual egg on an english muffin with cheese, or fruit and yogurt, I had two eggs on a corn tortilla with salsa and a quarter of an avocado. It was pretty good!!
25, 5'5" CW: 171 GW: 130 highest weight was around 215 (207.8 when I started my WLJ). Runner, rock climber, yoga-attempter. :) Doc wants me to attempt a gluten free, dairy free diet. Anyone also attempting these diet goals would be a huge help to me!! (also don't eat soy products or red meat/pork).
I'll join in on this goal!! I've been on a plateau forevvvveeeerrrrrr. I have about 25-35 more to go, depending on what I want my goal weight to be. I figure that out once i'm there.