sophianova Member


  • Is your net intake of calories 1200, or is it less than 1200 because of your workouts? If it is less than 1200, your body is in starvation mode. I would suggest perhaps bumping your net caloric intake up to at least 1300 (just to be safe). Once your body stops perceiving your weight loss efforts as a threat, it will start…
  • My advice would be to keep going with it - I know it sucks, but in time, you will see results! I would suggest that you eat some of the things you like (in moderation), to keep you motivated. I know you were probably expecting to lose a few pounds, but steady wins the race! :) I'm not a personal trainer or anything, but my…
  • I mostly use the tool for motivation :) When I see what I could weigh in 5 weeks, somehow, it makes me want to keep going! As for the actual accuracy of the tool, I think that it gives each person a very generalized measurement - each person's body is different, so I wouldn't rely on it too much... But the thing is, for…
  • I'm not an expert (nor do I pretend to be one!), but generally, weight loss plateaus are a message that your body has now become accustomed to your current diet and exercise routine. I would suggest switching up your workout a little, to keep your body guessing. Try something different, like Zumba, or swimming. And most…