If every day were like today...accuracy

frats Posts: 96 Member
I am not sure if this has been discussed before, but does anyone track what MFP predicts? And how close is it.?

Four weeks ago, I wrote down the predicted weight for June 1. I have to lose 7 pounds in the next 6 days. Not sure if I am going to make it...


  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    It's only accurate if EVERY day for the next 5 weeks were EXACTLY like that day. For example, if you ate 1500 calories and burned 300, then you would have to do that EVERY single day. (Eat exactly the same, do the same workout, etc.)
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    I am angry when I read mfp if every day were like today. I lose way less than what it tells me i should in 5 weeks. grrr..
  • pinklion721
    pinklion721 Posts: 226 Member
    I know someone writes down their estimated weight everyday and then takes the average for that week. She said her average is accurate. I want to try that and see of it works for me.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm thinking no because I've been the same weight for 6 months.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    Hasn't been accurate for me.... (I do track it every day though)
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I doubt it.
    Doesn't seem logical.
    But given my calorie deficit, it could be a fair prediction.
  • Shannmarrs
    Shannmarrs Posts: 117 Member
    It's totally frustrating...I love it when it says something really fabulous, then hate it when it says something that is no where near what I want to hear. I'd rather they just leave it off.
  • sophianova
    sophianova Posts: 4 Member
    I mostly use the tool for motivation :) When I see what I could weigh in 5 weeks, somehow, it makes me want to keep going! As for the actual accuracy of the tool, I think that it gives each person a very generalized measurement - each person's body is different, so I wouldn't rely on it too much... But the thing is, for that measurement to be as accurate as possible, you'd pretty much have to be eating the exact same amount of calories each and every day for four weeks... So unless you've been doing that, we can't really say that the tool is not accurate. ;) Hope that helps!
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    It;s predicitions aren't accurate, since we are all different. They use an average person based on what you eat, workout, excercise etc. You would have to do everything exactly the same. It even says "if everyday were like today, you would weigh *** in 5 weeks". But it is a good motivator!
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    It's not accurate because it's rare for anyone toe the exact same.... Seriously the exact same... Day to day.... I'm curious about t he comment where someone did do an average... That is interesting and worth testing out..
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    i'm testing it out now, But i still have a few weeks to go to see what the numbers will be.
  • JsGirl93
    JsGirl93 Posts: 1,156
    Mine has been pretty accurate, but I'm not living or dying by it either way.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Mine is pretty darn close. But only when everyday really is like that day --- even one day off really throws it off. I do the average thing too. For example, I know what weight I want to be in 5 weeks. I have to hit under that weight for 6 days out of 7 if I want a cheat meal that 7th day.

    Mathematically it works out. But our bodies are not machines and I hardly know a single person that eats the same way for 5 weeks straight, so I'm doubting very few people see that number. Most probably see over, but I bet a few see under.
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    I find it pretty close.

    I copy what it says and paste it into an exercise note, then pull a report showing notes over a few months
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    For the past eight weeks, it's been telling me I'd be 12 lbs lighter by now. Guess what. I haven't lost ANYTHING in spite of being on target with my calories 90% of the time. I think there are a lot more biological variables that go into the equation than simple calorie reduction numbers.
  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    I mostly use the tool for motivation :) When I see what I could weigh in 5 weeks, somehow, it makes me want to keep going! As for the actual accuracy of the tool, I think that it gives each person a very generalized measurement - each person's body is different, so I wouldn't rely on it too much... But the thing is, for that measurement to be as accurate as possible, you'd pretty much have to be eating the exact same amount of calories each and every day for four weeks... So unless you've been doing that, we can't really say that the tool is not accurate. ;) Hope that helps!

  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Back in late March, MFP said I would weight 200 pounds on May 1st...that was a nice round even landmark weight and the beginning of the month...so I put a calendar entry on my iPhone that simply said "200 pounds?" and marked it for May 1st...

    I was at 198.8 on May 1st...

    WAR P90X!!!!
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    But the thing is, for that measurement to be as accurate as possible, you'd pretty much have to be eating the exact same amount of calories each and every day for four weeks... So unless you've been doing that, we can't really say that the tool is not accurate. ;) Hope that helps!

    Even if I average it out, it hasn't been accurate....it hasn't even been accurate to the HIGHEST weight for me.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I mostly use the tool for motivation :) When I see what I could weigh in 5 weeks, somehow, it makes me want to keep going! As for the actual accuracy of the tool, I think that it gives each person a very generalized measurement - each person's body is different, so I wouldn't rely on it too much... But the thing is, for that measurement to be as accurate as possible, you'd pretty much have to be eating the exact same amount of calories each and every day for four weeks... So unless you've been doing that, we can't really say that the tool is not accurate. ;) Hope that helps!

    Exactly! Motivation. :)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Every day after that day has to be exactly like that day to get that ESTIMATED result. I'm pretty close to the same net calories every day (I don't do binge days) and I have actually lost more than predicted over time. MFP is not promising results 5 weeks from now based on you having a good day ONE time. You have to have the good day EVERY day to get those results. Otherwise, it will take longer. It will still happen, but it might take longer, based on your choices. Keep in mind that days where you starve yourself and don't get enough calories are NOT necessarily good days. If you do that too much you can mess up your metabolism and slow things down, too.:flowerforyou: