

  • K for Kaileigh (sounds like K-Leigh)
  • Hi all!! Hope you all had a good week. I thought that I would have gained this past week with Memorial Day and all the food that was being cooked but I ended up going down a few ounces on the scale but I am alright with that. :wink: My new goals for this week are: 1) Is to not weigh myself EVERY DAY like I have been doing…
  • Hi! Yes I was using them until today when they decided that they are going to do DVD's instead of streaming them to you. I really enjoyed the Crunch workouts, 10 minute workouts, and the 15 minute workouts. There are other ones on there but I didn't seem to enjoy them as much as I enjoyed the ones they took off as of…
  • Hi! I understand about being frustrated.:mad: The things that worked for me when I first started was drinking A LOT of water (more then what MFP suggest). I also tracked every single thing I ate. Sometimes changing up your workout/fitness routines helps your body not to become used to the samething. If you like walking…
  • Goals: Loose 1.5lbs a week Walk OUTSIDE the house not inside (love my treadmill, :o) ) atleast 2 times a week Excercise 3 days a week SW: 350 CW: 289 GW: 250 (atleast for the challenge part)
  • I so want in if it's not too late. I love Twilight (actually EDWARD) and I love reading the book and watching it when it comes out. I can send you a friend request with my starting weight and goal if thats alright. If you need anything else I'll get that to you to.