Grinder777 Member


  • In the last year my Grandma died her last words to me was "kill me". My mother got a heart attack and is practically a nut job ever since. My GF left me because I had a negativ attitude and I am browsing wightloss Forums. Life throws trash at you for no reason thats it!
  • Yeah, just check out the stronglifts site. It includes the program and instructions plus videos all for free. They also have an app that is supposedly very good. Honestly for a beginner and most women for the rest of their lives stronglifts is the best workout you can get. Its focused on the larger muscle groups and in…
  • I'm doing a Body Beast/Turbo Fire Hybrid and love it. I have been lifting for a long time and dont know what that is, sry girls but weight is on the ground, lift it up Thats it. And repeat, since this was thread that asks about stronglifts, which is one of the best beginner programs, is it to much to ask that u google it.…
  • Just maybe you are fine with your weight. I have been at 18% Bodyfat for years, telling my workout buddies one excuse after another. Everybody has a comfort zone to train past that needs a reason, if you like it so far why bother... 5 days a week is athlet lvl, you will be "trimming" up on that. Most Swimsuit models are…
  • Stronglifts is completly free, sry google it.
  • If you only got an Hammer evrerything starts looking like a nail... You have had some bad experiences. You obviosly are trying to protect the OP, the likeliehodd thats its something seriously is below 1% not enough to worry about thats my meaning
  • I had moved out at that age, but if I stopped by, my dad would send me home "to change." you are simply an idiot, the time to move out is 18-19. As for the girls the time to look up miniskirts is 18-78 ;)
  • plz eat "Still eating about 1200 to 1400 calories" you are destroying yourself. You should be at 1800-2000 at least. You have lost 10lbs a month and still complaining? I am 6,5 and I was aiming at 2-3 a Month, anything more and you wouldnt like the result.
  • Agreed^^ I go to my anual checkup, just because its free. She just came across as somebody who worries, there is no reason for that. I mean she faints/shakes AND its gets better after she eats, what more off a sign do you need? A commen doc would ask the same questions and stops listening after she tells him, the bloodwork…
  • Ok I will be frank: Nothing that girl says cant be explained by the combination of dieting+cardio. Last night i had stomach cramps, maybe it was cancer or just the bowl of Icecream i ate ;) When u are dieting u are forcing your body into a state which is unnatural. Occam's razor the simpliest explenation is usually the…
  • Its genetics, I can deadlift 600lbs without much effort. I cant run without even having pains in my knees for 2 miles. The usual 10k would kill me. Aim for what u can physically do. Just like any women cant be a victorias secret model, you probably arent build for running. My 68y old father outrides me at a bike doesnt…
  • Build muscle^^ I have an BMI of 27 12% bodyfat. For males its usually that u loose 15% muscle mass(average dont want to go into that) of what u have lost, more if u take it off too fast which u did. 68*0.85=10 Build 10 pounds of muscle which would take you, if you arent a workout nazi 1 year+. Sry thats it, at the end of…
  • There are also times if I go to long without eating, I shake uncontrollably and almost pass out.. I get better once I eat. You know what you are doing wrong. Yes uncontrolled thrist is a sign of diabetes, on the other hand its extremly unlikely that you just have developed diabtes the moment you take care of what you eat.…
  • Your body burns sugar in 20 mins, wouldnt help. I hate breakfest, personally I just have a protein shake with strawberrys/bannanas and 2 spoons of oats.
  • Okay this is turning into a rant I have been a gym instructor personal trainer for years. Half of my clients dont need to loose weight, the moment u are ready to hire me, its like an alcoholic throwing the last pint of Vodca away. You have already mentally quit! I have seen so many women(sry girls its always you), train…
  • Water? If u eat to much sodium u will retain water. In a 5 day 5 lbs diet this would be a problem. But if ur goal is loosing bodyfat it doesnt matter
    in Help!!! Comment by Grinder777 April 2014
  • Too many words, ur advertising the same... He has lost weigth sticking to his diet, he works out 4-5 days a week, he will gain muscle. Gaining muscle means raising his TDEE, so whats wrong with it? As I said worst thing he could do is conversing fat to muscle!
    in Help!!! Comment by Grinder777 April 2014
  • None ;) I only loose weigth on my resting days,keep up! Worst thing u are doing is conversing bodyfat into muscle ;)
    in Help!!! Comment by Grinder777 April 2014
  • I forgot.. dont listen to the girls, your BMR is close to 2500, just eat. Get rid of a few bad habits and your fine.
  • lifting,BWE... honestly we had the same starting weight, as a male with close to 300 u can eat whatever u want and still loose weigth. Just get some protein rich (tuna,eggs,chicken) food in and drop the soda. Get into a routine, work out, dont, work out, dont... When i started i couldent do a single pushup, this was 7…