Symphony6 Member


  • Plain and simple abuse. No one can respond positively to being constantly berated, nor can one live as an adult and feel as though they must report to someone on their progress every second of the day. You need to explain how this is affecting you and don't let him try to cop out by saying he just cares about you or is…
  • This stuff. Is amazing. With Keebler Club Crackers. I could eat a whole box and 2 cans. :embarassed:
  • Every time I stall, I stop eating bread, and PRESTO! the weight starts coming off again. It's a miracle. So, for MY body, it absolutely makes a difference. Obviously, my body has some sort of issue with it because I still have quinoa, brown rice and fruit :)
  • Definitely this. Or any sort of ice cream, really. With marshmallow and hot fudge.
  • My mom always called me her "rebel without a clue." She was so right. I still catch myself getting in my own way. Something she always said though that I live by to this day is, "There ain't nothing in this world for free." Even complete with double negatives, its sage advice.
  • I think anything you feel comfortable wearing in front of other moms and babes is perfectly alright! That being said, should you be concerned about modesty, a "tankini" would be perfect!
    in Swimsuit? Comment by Symphony6 May 2013
  • I didn't have them with either of my daughters who are now teenagers. We didn't have that stuff. We taught our kids to hold a parent's hand when crossing the street or walking in a parking lot, and I never had a problem with them bolting on me. That being said, I know some children don't really listen. SOME children may…
  • Honey, I feel your pain. I have been down that road, not once, but TWICE now. :embarassed: :frown: I lost 60 lbs 9 years ago and gained it back. Then I lost 47lbs 2.5 years ago and gained it back. Now, I'm on journey #3, but this time, it is for keepsies. I learned what worked and what my triggers were, and now, I'm on the…
    in 1 year ago Comment by Symphony6 May 2013
  • Between 3 pregnancies and my ice cream addiction, my weight got wayyy out of hand. 278 at my highest. Sex was uncomfortable and I felt like a whale. I had resorted to a wardrobe of hoodies, XXL shirts and yoga pants -- even in summer. I haven't worn a swimsuit in 9 years. Things have already changed though. I bought a…
  • I would love some new friends too! Adding you :)
  • I would love some more low-carb buddies :smile: If anyone else on the thread wants to add me as well, have at it! I have done atkins several times and find it's the only thing that works.
  • Hi everybody :) Don't know how many other countries have them, but Russell Stover SF candies are to die for. I just found the strawberry cream ones and even my daughter, who is not on low-carb, loved them. I'm in Canada and they sell them at most grocery stores, London Drugs, and Shoppers. Other than that, I haven't tried…
  • I'm a broke student too, AND i have to feed a family of 5, so I have a few tips :) First, I go through all my local grocery store fliers every week and plan my meals according to what is inexpensive. I also only shop at stores that do price-matching. I take all my fliers and make sure I get the best price on what I buy.…
  • I'm 5 '8.5" and I have a large frame (7" wrists, size 10 shoe, hands bigger than my husband who's 6', you get the idea ;) ) I'm going for a goal weight of 165, as that is the top end of my healthy weight range. After that, we'll see.
  • Currently full-time student, full-time mom. Hoping to find a position in the Human Resources field in a year when I graduate with my BBA :)
  • That's true, they can. However, you cannot measure that with a skin caliper.
  • Oprah isn't in her normal weight range. She has always had problems maintaining a healthy weight.
  • I agree with you. Seems we're giving people another reason to look in the mirror and feel that, because they don't look good naked, feel as though they're not good enough.
  • You can build lean muscle while losing weight, I am not discouraging that. Perhaps I should have worded it better, but as one poster said above, I would give anything to be that girl's before picture. You don't have to look like Jamie Eason to be healthy. I would also like to know how you get the idea that being of an…
  • There's a select bunch of people on MFP that I honestly don't think I could have ever called "fat." They want to get fit and ripped and that is great for them! However, there are those of us who have been obese, maybe all our lives, maybe just since we had kids (like me) who haven't seen their feet in 20 years and would…
  • I have lost weight several times doing the Atkins diet. The weight has always come off so fast; I have seriously lost 20lbs in one month, and then gone on to lose 13lbs a month eating like a horse (minus the apples and grains..heh). But then, I would tire of always being stuck at school or at work with no options for my…
  • I am 5' 8.5"; current stats are: SW: 257 GW: 165 CW: 235 I think we can compare all day long, but ultimately, height doesn't tell the whole story, only part of it. For example, a girl on this thread is my height, 156 and a size 6. I have been 138 (in high school) and I was a size 9 at that weight. There's no way I would…
  • I didn`t read the rest of the replies, but I quit smoking in June of 2010 and went on a diet at the same time, so no, I didn`t gain anything due to quitting. I`m sure other people have mentioned that the trick is to kick the habit, not replace it with food. It can be done!
  • You are almost my twin!! I'm just an inch shorter and started out 7lbs lighter. I cannot wait til I am where you are...thanks for the motivation! Congratulations on your look GREAT!
  • No worries, girl. I started at 256.8 and I'm on my way to 165. I'm 5'8.5". I log every day and am always here :) Feel free to add!
  • Yes--under -- that's what I Thanks :) I'll keep an eye on it as I lose.
  • This is pretty sweet, R :) Thanks! One question. I have a good 80lbs or more to lose, and I've been eating around 1500 cals. Your spreadsheet says this is 31.1% over my TDEE which is too much. But being this weight, I can probably do that safely, right? I am under my BMR by about 300 cals. :indifferent:
  • Are you doing dairy? Cottage cheese and greek yogurt is protein-heavy :)
  • I really like Fiber One Honey Clusters. I try to choose a cereal that has less than 25% of its calories from sugar, and the Fiber One cereals and Kashi usually fit the bill.
  • Just looking at your diary over the last week or so, you aren't getting enough calories. Most days, you don't even get in 1000. Have you used a calculator to figure out your BMR? I'm sure you are well below it which will cause a stall. Personally, my weight loss slowed at 1200 cals a day and I had to up them to almost…