

  • What ARE you eating? It's my belief that a whole lot of dieters try to eat low calorie processed foods and see little result. Change your diet to a clean diet with very little processed sugar or carbs, eat fat free dairy, limit red meat, and consume only whole grains. Doing this coupled with 5-30 minute workouts per week…
  • A big factor could be WHAT you are eating as well. I could eat 1500 calories of junk and still not lose weight though I have a deficit. A lot of it will depend of what type of body you have as to how your body burns best. Some people won't lose weight without consuming dairy, while some can't lose without a low carb diet.…
  • Well I can relate-sort of! I dieted and exercised and lost weight back in 2008, then gained it all back plus some when my husband came home from deployment. Then I got pregnant and things really got crazy, I gained 60 pounds with my pregnancy and only lost 15 of it after my son was born! My son just turned two, and I'm…
  • Maybe WW is just not the right program for you. I've tried several programs (and mostly failed) over the years, but I will say I've had quite a bit of difference in success from one program to the next. I would definitely see a doctor to rule out any underlying conditions preventing you from weight loss.