hmsma Member


  • I started Chantix after getting a bad cold in Feb and was sick of the hacking. That is what actually started me on this whole health kick and landed me here. Absolutely the best thing I ever did!! Within days of starting it I was exercising and within a month was running!!! I am now over 3 months smoke free! Whatever path…
  • I have used the "crystal light on the go" packets a few times myself. Only 5 calories per packet. Zero sugar, 20 mg sodium. Some people I guess will use 1/2 a packet per use. I am never that tight on my calories that I cant afford 5. Better than buying some of the flavored waters. Some of those are much worse.…
  • The same thing has been happening to me. My husband and I started MFP together on April 1st. He has lost 15 lbs and I have only lost 4. Seems so unfair!! Our scale works for him but not me!? I was getting pretty frustrated. But, I do the notice the changes in my body shape and fit of my clothes. I too think I have been…