Chalseylee Member


  • An adult who is exercising should have .95grams of protein a day per pound of bodyweight. This means that if you are 200lbs you multiply .95 by 200 to get 190grams of protein. An adult who is building muscle mass needs 2.00grams of protein daily per pound of bodyweight, so this would mean 400grams! You can make these…
    in protein Comment by Chalseylee June 2011
  • Its good to have veggies at all your meals....meals 3-5 or 6, but only have fruits at your first two meals of the day. You can burn off the sugars you injest before lunch. (Trainer and competitive athelete)
  • Vitamin B1 is responsible for carb metabolism, B6 is responsible for for the metabolism of sugar, fat and protein, B12 is responsibe for the metabolism of protein and fat, the other B's are important as well and are involved in nerve transmission, aid in red blood cell production, etc. etc...