PeacePlantsPilates Member


  • It would probably be beneficial to you to record your calories again - perhaps you're eating more than you think? The fact of the matter is that even with 'clean eating', if your calories are too high you're not going to lose fat - excess carbs and protein are still stored as fat. Also perhaps considering weight training…
  • I agree with everyone else who says your calorie goal is set too low (I know it's not your fault as MFP do it automatically). I'm a 5"6 girl at 137lb and MFP gave me daily goal of 1200 (for losing 1lb per week). *Nope*. I changed my settings manually to 1,500 and often eat 1600-1700 (with calories gained through exercise).…
  • I've heard that taking a day off is pretty important for your muscles to properly develop / not get fatigued and leave you more prone to injury. If you're excersicing 9 times, 6 days a week, I'd say you definitely could (and should) take a break on Sundays! :)
  • Acrtually, there's a 'Veganz' purely vegan superstore branch due to open in London this year. They're a German chain so I can tell you from personal experience that they have Daiya cheese stocked! Not sure if a trip to London every week is a viable option, but it…
  • Was doing pretty well in terms of healthy foods and calorie levels until the weekend! I'm not going to beat myself up about it too much though - just try to be diligent this week :)
  • My list of daily essentials: - 38g protein (more legumes / nuts / seeds etc) - 7 portions fruit and veg (minimum) - fewer peanut butter & jelly sandwiches! The rest I'm usually pretty good on: I need absolutely no encouragement to eat enough starchy foods :P
  • Hi both, Just posted above. I'm also training up to run 5- and 10k competitively :)
  • Hi everyone, I'm Mora, 23 and from Germany. CW: 137.4lb GW: 125lb approximately I follow a mostly vegan lifestyle and am trying to get fit enough to run 5k and 10k races. Therefore the weightloss is not so much important to me as building up strength and endurance. If anyone has similar goals or interests, please feel free…