

  • Start doing alot of intervals and tempo runs. It comes down to being really persistent in your training and actually pushing yourself. When I have a target like that I'll print out the finishing times for the race I'm targetings prior year(almost always online) and use it to figure out what I have to run to get 1st, 2nd,…
  • Maybe I'm just better at running slow than you:wink: !! But seriously, you can do it however you want, just make sure you practice pre-marathon and once you've trained for it don't change mid marathon. With preparation you can run a marathon with a smile on your face the whole way. Edit: which marathon are you running?
  • If you're bonking during your long slow runs there's a good chance that you're going too fast. The faster you run the more likely your body is to burn stored energy.... Of which you only have about 2000 calories, so your average runner burns about 75-150 calories per mile, you get low on stored energy and your brain…
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