imrddy Member


  • The hardest habit to kick is not eating 2 hours before sleeping. The hardest habit to gain is working out consistently. I lost 4 lbs, due only cutting calories. If I were to exercise, I would probably see better results. I'm going to get off my behind today and workout. I really wish I loved doing it.:noway:
  • I'm starting to think that maybe I should take a nap as soon as I come in from work in order to have the energy to workout. At least I have my meals planned for tomorrow. By the way, what is everyone doing for your workouts?
  • I guess I'll chime in. What I found easy was closing the freezer door on the Thin Mints that I still have. I didn't even give them a second glance. Yay me!!! What I found hard was working out. I haven't had any energy and very little sleep. I will definitely be changing this starting tomorrow. I will come in from work,…
  • I would love to join and lose 42.4 lbs by August 1st, my 39th birthday. This will help me be accountable. SW: 172.4 GW: 130