

  • But it's only an estimate...because it says based on burning 1800 calories...when I've only burned 1452.00 as of right now. If I'm in front of the TV the rest of the day its not going to happen. Still wondering why it's only 1452 right now and yesterday when I walked less it gave me 1639.00...could be my fitbit isn't…
  • I'm new to myfitness pal but not new to losing weight. What I eat today may not show up on my scale for a couple of days if at's a balancing act of food intake overall and exercise. One of my least favorite tools is the link between my fitbit and myfitnesspal. At the end of the day it only seems like I have 200…
  • I can see thyroid could be an issue. I'm on medication but have been on the same dosage for the past couple of years. I can also see where not eating enough food could cause your body to hold onto fat....and I've seen muscle building that can cause the same weight but a difference in inches. I went to the gym 5 times a…
  • What? LOL...just joined. Not sure what this is about.... but it I'm playing right I'd say shoulders.
  • I'm learning too. I have a Fitbit and never understand how at the end suddenly I'm given all these extra calories and no time to use them. According to my food chart, I'm under most days. I'll try harder to get enough in but its often hard esp when my exercise points keep me under. I started this 12 days ago and have only…