newme7g Member


  • sfoust 66 thank you ill look into it. I did loose weight with the low cal diet but after 12lbs I havent lost any more weight. I have been working out a little more and nothing. So thank you to everyone's comments and advice but this is why I am going back to low carb.
  • Thank you everyone for your input. I have tried doing low carb and low calorie diet and it seems low carb worked better for me. I just needed to know how many carbs a day is good because honestly I do not remember the amount I used to eat. Imark I agree with you completely. ak_in_ak that is what my trainer in college told…
  • Thank you all so much for the advice. I will start running longer 3 days a week and do 3 days where I run at a pace for 3 min and than pick it up for a min. Also thanks so much on the breathing tip I will make sure my stomach expands and not my chest:)
  • I'm sure Its faster than 3. Lol or at least I hope so. I'm going to bring an actual timer with me next time and let's see what happens. Hopefully I'm not timing correctly