Sarnir Member


  • I've started today. Looking forward to the results :) I did this workout a few months back, before going on holidays, and it definitely made a difference. I have been doing it on and off since, but I have decided that I need to another 30 days straight.
  • Hi, I was just about to search for post on this topic, and this was the very first post to appear in the motivation section! I'm nearly 2 weeks back from holidays, and I'm finding it tough to get back on track diet wise. I'm back in my exercise routine, but I'm finding it difficult to say no to junk food! I'm hoping to…
  • Thanks for the replies. Some days my stomach balloons up a good bit. It ends up wasy bigger at night than it was in the morning! I should start taking note of when this happens, and check what I've eaten that day. I definitely don't want to go on a faddy diet. I know I won't be able to keep that up, and I'll end up putting…