Jebber99 Member


  • I started weighing only once a week but kept hitting the high days so I went to daily. I really don't concentrate on the scale. I concentrate on my food log and know that if I keep that in line I am losing weight. I log my weight when I hit a new low....even if it is only 4 oz. The days I can log are the icing on the cake.
  • You are losing at a healthy rate but if it bugs you quit weighing. Us FFP (formerly fat people) like to punish ourselves. It's time that you do what you can to stop it. We also have very poor self images. The first time I realized I was overweight I was 12 years old and my self image formed. Interestingly that self image…
  • Try hypnosis. You can get hypnosis sessions on MP3 at Amazon. Probably I tunes too. They are very inexpensive. Load it into your phone and relax and listen to it as often as possible. It will give you reinforcement. You can get sessions for quitting smoking and for weight loss. Some are better than others. They are cheap…
  • I agree with what Danielle said. Log everything you eat. Even if it is only a Hershey's kiss. You will learn which food is worth the calories. You will get to where you will not eat it because you don't want to log it. It actually becomes fun. Also....once you get away from the sugar you will stop craving it. I am a big…
  • Congrats. It sounds like you are off to a good start. My hat is off to you on that extreme yoga. My son did it and he lost a ton of weight. Too much actually. Keep us posted. Janice