xprincesspunkyxx Member


  • Starting - 227 Current - 217 Goal - 211 Down another 4lbs this week! Had a pretty good week although, I did eat things I should have known better than to eat. I guess they didn't hurt me too bad though. See you all next week! :)
  • The springs is very beautiful! I lived there for a few years and loved it! Im closer to Denver. Its still nice but, not as spread out.
  • Colorado, near Denver
  • I get like this also because, I eat lunch and have so much time between then and dinner time before I eat again. I keep some unsalted crackers here at the house for these moments and I eat like 6 of them and then I'm good. You can always have fruit also which is a great filler. Hang in there Manders, you'll get there! I'm…
  • Starting - 227 Current - 221 Goal - 211 Down another 3lbs this week! :wink: I'm a bit surprised because, I hit a plateau earlier in the week but, switched things up a bit and it seems to have worked. Happy Father's Day to all you Father's out there and to the Mom's who play both roles! See ya next week :smile:
  • Starting - 227 Current - 224 Goal - 211 Not bad! I figured it would be less than this....3lbs down, I'll take it! :)
  • CSW - 227 CGW- 211 Good Luck!! :drinker:
  • SW:250 CW:234 lost 7lbs this week! I'm not really sure how I did it but, I did. This week has been very rough with the trainer, my body is screaming! This was my first week working with them and I plan to only do it for a month. I'm trying to get use to working all my muscles again and each set takes about 4 days to be…
  • 1) SW:250 CW:241 Loss this week 2 lbs 2) I started working with a trainer at the gym this week. We worked on my legs and they have been so sore since then. I go back on Monday to meet with him again and hopefully work on another part of my body. Ive continued to do my cardio though and hoping to push through this pain…
  • still have 91lbs to go but, I'd love to buddy up! Always looking to make new friends with someone. :)
  • 1) SW:250 CW:243 Loss this week 2 lbs 2) Being back to work this week has really helped me. I was on vacation all last week and it was like a train wreck waiting to happen. I find that when i'm busy or when I bring only what i'm supposed to eat, I do a lot better! On Friday they had a promotion party at work for 2 of the…
  • SW:250 CW:245 2. My first week went very well! Easter kind of messed things up for the start of the week but, I was quickly able to get back on track and burn off those extra calories I gained. This week of my diet was "booster week". During this week, I eat 300 more calories a day and found myself coming close or going…
  • Ok here goes... 1. 250 lbs is my starting weight as of today, I'd like to lose 14lbs during this challenge to bring me down to 236lbs. 2. My 4 y.o little boy motivates me the most. I'm all he has and I need to be the best me possible for him! I'm also loving this boost of energy i've received so far! I've been so tired for…
  • I'm new here also.....You can add me if you'd like :)
  • Count me in :happy:
  • Work out! You'll be glad you did! :wink:
  • Feel free to add me also. I'm new here, its my 2nd day. Im 32 and on the road to lose 100lbs also. I need all the friends and support I can get!