

  • Also, i see what other people are suggesting, it may be accurate, but what you burn goes by your weight and how high your heart rate is. So be careful. They have heart rate estimators on the web.
  • I think that you answered your own problem when you said that your lazy. Indeed you are lazy (no offense, just using your words) but at least you came out upfront and said it rather than making excuses and saying you aren't lazy. I am lazy too, I love to sleep a lot, but I have improved. I realized I was "lazy" because I…
  • I find that the HR monitors at the gym are horrible. Congrats on you new HR monitor. I have a polar that tracks calories and HR. They are great tools to aid in your weight loss. I hope you enjoy :)
  • I was reading some of the replies and another person talked about the modifications.This is my second round of P90X and I think P90X is for anyone, but you must change it up according to your body type and what you can handle, your body will tell you if something is too much so LISTEN to it. Also, changing your diet to…
  • I think the others are right, what kinds of foods are you eating?? You can be eating under calories but the wrong foods. Also, when you work out how long are you working out and are you putting in full effort? You may think you are, but it may not be enough. My best recommendation is to get a heart rate monitor. You can…
  • She's right Ky, dry on a food scale. Scales are way more accurate than measuring. Remember pasta expands like the belly but oh it tastes so good. Two ounces looks so small because restaurants make their serving sizes so huge and we get used to it.... Retraining sucks.