talentedmom56 Member


  • I need friends to support me when I'm alone. I spend too much time alone.
  • I prefer a larger man. Always have. Since I was a kid I saw larger men as extreamly handsome. Thin men have nothing to hold onto at night. Many thin men like me becasue I'm large. Sometimes that's a kink, other times it's a true connection (It ws for my husband). People like people for different reasons. For me, the heart…
  • So proud of you!! I'll have to tell my sotry someday. There are some dittos. See if I can figure out how to freind. Candace
  • SW: (Starting weight) 302 CW: (Current weight) 288 GW: (Goal weight for the month) 283 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (9/01 Monday): 288 9/06 Sat: 9/13 Sat: 9/20 Sat: 9/27 Sat: End of Month (9/30 Tue): Total weight lost:
  • I think that's cute. Use to have a little dog that went everywhere with me. It was ost during a move. Still miss Sally.
  • You're not getting enough calcium. Drink more milk and eat more cheese.
  • I was only 17 and a large young lady . My dad was a golfer and and I told him I'd like to learn. H looked at me, smirked and said, "Your boobs are too big." I never golfed again until I was 36 and met my husband (now deceased).
  • JoMo you are what you are. That was very mean of your brother since you ask him not to use it, but yourself disgust isn't helping. We all need to love ourselves, no matter what we look like. I pray we all lose all the weight we want to lose, but the reality is, it really doesn't matter. If we don't love ourselves at our…
  • OK> I ahve to fess up. I went wild the last four days. Celebrations, lunches out, dinner with friends OUT! I gained 4 pounds. I am back on tract today. AT this second in time I am on my food plan. Praying that it continues. Anyone else need to fess up? I'm here. Candace
  • First, Start using the food log on this site. If you only do that, you'll see how your eating will slow. Seeing what you've eaten is very powerful. We tend to forget what we put in our mouths, but when we write it down, it becomes real. Add me to your frinds list and I'm be your partner in this. Candace
  • Making people feel bad about themselves is NEVER a good thing! How many of you have big noses or no chin or a big butt or thin hair or a speech problem? If we as a society decided that to be accepted you HAVE TO fit in this tiny little box (that most people won't fit into) then our world would be filled with even more hate…
  • Making people feel bad about themselves is NEVER a good thing! How many of you have big noses or no chin or a big butt or thin hair or a speech problem? If we as a society decided that to be accepted you HAVE TO fit in this tiny little box (that most people won't fit into) then our world would be filled with even more hate…