jbaker1663 Member


  • Have you tried the Couch to 5K app? It helps you start by mostly walking, and increases how much you run each day. You could move up to 10K after you can easily do the 5K. If the biggest reason you don't want to run is that you're tired, try to manage that. I don't know your schedule, but you could run early in the day,…
  • I've had thyroid disease for over 25 years. The symptoms include chronic fatigue, weight gain, always feeling cold, dry skin/hair/nails, irregular periods, unexplained depression. Not everyone has all the symptoms and many, many other illnesses have similar symptoms. The stresses of everyday life can cause many of these…
    in Thyroid?? Comment by jbaker1663 May 2014
  • This is for canadjineh-I can't figure out how to respond to her specifically. Sorry about that! I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am you are going through this, and also that I understand. My grandmother, mother, brother and son all have bipolar disorder. My grandmother had Bipolar 1 and took medication; she died from…
  • I got a fitbit flex and it has made all the difference, and you can sync it to MFP. I log all my food, but it's also super important for me to see how much exercise I'm getting. According to my flex, I burn about 1250 calories a day if I don't exercise. When I eat back my exercise calories, I don't lose weight-but that's…
  • Hi-I'm Jeannie! I'm 50 and have been going through menopause for about 8 years. Until 2 years ago, I could manage the symptoms with Estroven. Eventually they got so bad that I began seeing a specialist. My blood test revealed I had no measurable estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone, so I started bio-identical hormones.…
  • Thank you! I didn't even see that!
  • PS I weigh myself at the same time every morning, with the scale in the exact same place. Same scale :smile:
  • I haven't changed my eating at all-this is how I have eaten for 25 years-but I know it's hard to tell from 3 days. I don't have a food scale, but I've measured using a measuring cup. Because I've never had an issue with my weight before, it really wasn't a big deal. I knew how much I could eat and maintain my weight. I…
  • I've seen thermodynamics mentioned before and I'm wondering if you can help me understand. I have always believed that CICO is the only rule of weight loss/gain. However, I've been going through menopause for several years and I have gained 30 lbs over the last 2 years. I'm 5'4 and have weighed between 120-125 lbs. my…