

  • I'm on week three of Body Revolution and am LOVING it. I went into it not being a huge JM fan but you have to hand it to her...she knows her stuff. My body seems to respond to her style of workouts and although I'm not losing weight (not trying to as I hit my weight goal after losing almost 50 lbs) I am noticing a HUGE…
  • I got it done today...it wasn't pretty and it was far from my best workout but I did it. I felt so awful after having such a bad workout that I went for a quick run which made me feel better. My calorie burn is so low doing Ripped that I get a bit discouraged (yes...I'm one of those workout to eat more type gals) but I…
  • Hope you are feeling better. I've done the fourth week twice now so I'm hoping to finish up this week. Been exhausted lately and preparing for Hubby to go out to sea for a month so its been really busy. No excuse to not work out but it is what it is!
  • Week 4 Day 1 DONE! That was a good one for sure! Kind of love seeing how much stronger I've become though. A lot of those exercises would have had me crying during week one but now I am strong enough to attempt them. Feels good!
  • So I've been horrible this week...I haven't done Ripped at all. Been a long week and I've been exhausted - lost my mojo for Ripped. I did get out for a quick run and a walk at least. Today I WILL start Week 4 of Ripped and finish it off!
  • It was a weekend of working out for me. On Friday I did Ripped plus 30 minutes on the elliptical for a total of 514 calories burned and on Saturday I did a 6 k run plus Ripped for a total of 710 calories burned. I was spent on Sunday so I took a rest day. Today I am either starting week 4 of Ripped or if the rain holds off…
  • I think I'm just extra sore this week due to the combination of the 10 k, the sickness and the stupid time change (youngest was up at 4 am!!!). Crazy day at work so I didn't get a chance to workout again today. Planning on working out each day over this long weekend though. I was actually thinking of either doing Ripped…
  • Felt like I needed some motrin this morning when I woke up since my muscles are so sore so I decided today would be a rest day. Are you finding yourself more sore during week three because I am! Maybe I'm just pushing myself harder but my legs are exhausted and my arms are killing me! Have to say though that I am loving…
  • How did the measurements go? It's just about workout time for me now and my legs and arms are screaming "NO"! Yesterdays workout was brutal and I'm sure it is going to really hurt today. My motivation, however, is the sleeveless dress I just bought for a dance Hubby and I are going to on Saturday night. My arms WILL look…
  • Week Three...holy crap. That is all!
  • I didn't have a great week with week two but today I start Week Three! Had a great run on Saturday. For a girl who said she would never run, I'm pretty proud to say that I completed a 10k! The longest I ever ran before that was 6k so I'm pretty happy to have finished in 1 hour and 15 minutes with an 874 calorie burn!…
  • I've had to lighten up this week. I came down sick and I have my 10 k race tomorrow. Will get back to full time Ripped on Sunday!
  • Just finished...phew. This week is tough. The planks kill me. My weight hasn't gone up but is hasn't moved at all. I figure that's a good thing. Normally when I do weights I do gain weight for the first little bit because I really retain water. Right now I have my calories set to lose 1/2 lb per week (about 1500 calories)…
  • Yup! Brutal eh. I did W2D2 today and it was a bit easier and I actually did t feel like puking so that's an improvement, right!?! Kind of proud of myself tonight. Had to drop Hubby off to his ship this morning (he's in the Navy) because he is on duty (a 24 hour shift) so it was just me and my 5, 4, and 3 year old today.…
  • My *kitten* hurts from yesterday! Took today off to do a run since my big run is next week. Still burned 544 calories today though!
  • Week 2 Day 1 - Holy planks people. This week is going to be brutal. I had three kids in under three years and even though my youngest is now three, I still have no core strength whatsoever. Didn't think I was going to get it in but I did so yay a me!
  • And I'm done! Attempted all my goals, wasn't always able to complete them but at least I attempted them! Noticed today that even after only five days of doing this, I feel stronger when I do the workout. I'm definitely sweating more but I must be getting used to it becasue I'm burning less calories (240 today vs 247 when I…
  • Day Five today...WOOT! Today my goals are to do as many regular push ups as I can, do the side planks unmodified and to do the lateral raises with weights. I usually workout in the afternoon (well after lunch) but I have a meeting at work so I plan on doing it this morning.
  • I so didn't have the desire to get off my butt and workout today but I'm glad I did! Had a mini victory today...was able to do the side lunges with lateral raises with 5 lb weights! Woot! Anyone else working out today?
  • It was tough getting it done today but I did it! Was way under my calories yesterday and it really impacted my energy level today. Need to be more aware of that on the days that I run as well. Tomorrow might be a day off for me if I get out for a run but we shall see. Burned 247 calories and like you I used 5 lb weights…
  • I plan on doing it about 5 days a week (probably Monday to Friday because it is easy for me to work out during my lunch break at work but not so easy to do it at home with three little monkeys running around!) plus throw in a few runs now and then. Actually feeling pretty good this morning....thought I would be really sore…
  • OK...doing two workouts in one day is insane! Did a 6 k run this morning (570 calories burned) and Ripped tonight (199 calories burned - lower then yesterday because my weights are at work but going to buy new ones tomorrow). I am zonked!!!! But feel great for getting it done...no way can I eat back all my calories…
  • Just finished my run...570 calories burned and still have Ripped to do tonight. Might have to treat myself to BIG supper tonight!
  • Great advice! I too always feel it best for my body to work out when sore because it works out the kinks and makes me feel better. Today is Day Two! Planning on going for a run on my lunch break (training for a 10 k run in about two weeks...big yikes for this non-runner!) and my Hubby has agreed to do Ripped with me…
  • Phew...just finished! 10/20/11 - Calories burned: 237
  • You've just inspired me - I'm in! Off to do it now and will post stats later.