

  • Just completed another class tonight. It was hard and I am so happy I did it. Hope eveyone is having a good time completing Zumba.
  • I am so excited to join this challange. I love Zumba but have not been in a while. I went back to class last night and had so much fun I vowed that I would go back more often since it is such a good exercise. This challange will also help me keep that motivation up.
  • Looking good. You are inspiring.
  • I too love my bit of real food in the AM. I am always short of time in the AM but I bought Arnold’s flat breads (I get the whole wheat but they have other varieties). I take one egg add ¼ cup of mushrooms, or spinach and then scramble it in a small bowl. I pop it in the microwave for two minutes and there you go. I know…
  • You are a wonderful inspiration. Great job!!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful journey. :happy: