MFP build some sort of search function for this... 33 5'9" 208 Female Mother of 2yr old
I gained about 45 lbs during pregnancy and another 10 after birth. Breastfeeding was a huge struggle for me, but baby has been 95% EBF. I had supply issues and just flat out didn't know what I was doing. I was taking Fenugreek (Mother's Milk Tea, etc.) which was causing me to be super hungry and put on more weight and I…
This. From experience. :blushing:
B U M P!!!!
I would put money on stress being your issue if you've been tested and don't have any physical issues. It took my husband and I two and a half years to get pregnant and then I miscarried at 17 weeks. I am currently pregnant again and hoping that the healthy changes I made with MFP will help. I very highly recommend a book…
It IS sugar free! That's the annoying part. I've been swiveling in my chair for 60 seconds every time I chew gum. If Lambertj tried this arm trick I think she'd have one massive bicep! :)
I just started doing something similar (or the same?) calle EFT... I was really skeptical, but it really helped me with emotional eating and cravings as well as some anxiety and grief issues I have. Now I "tap" everything!