highgear Member


  • A good way to think of BMR is the number of calories you burn while sleeping. Your activity level (selectable in your profile) accounts for the extra calories you burn doing your daily activities. Then you get to plug in your extra-cise (exercise) calories. If you eat in excess of all three of these you will gain weight,…
  • My Garmin 310XT is using the latest algorithm developed by FirstBeat and seems to be very accurate.
  • Not Bee Spit....Bee VOMIT!!!!!! But it tastes sooo good!!!!!!
  • I only set a goal weight as a temporary target to aim for. People seem to think once they reach a certain number they've crossed a finish line and can then rest (or in this case stop the regeim of working out / eating healthy). Once that occurs, back comes the bad habbits and weight. This is why so many people have the…
  • BMI is measured using height an weight plugged into a formula. ( Weight in Pounds / ( Height in inches x Height in inches ) ) x 703 If both values remain the same, the BMI will not change. How are you figuring your BMI?
  • The first 8-9 months I used MFP estimates, then I leveled off. I purchased a Timex road trainer with HRM to track my runs and found the MFP estimates were way generous. I then progressed to a Garmin 310XT, to support running, biking, an weight lifting and their new algorithm (which is suppose to be very accurate) has me…
  • I tried Hemo Rage about a year ago because it was available at the local Vitamin World. It was pretty good if I remember correctly. I switched to NO Xplode concentrate shortly thereafter and it was about the same. I used NO Shotgun for a while and it works very well if you can get past the cat-pis'esque taste. (not that I…
  • I had a Timex Road Trainer and it worked well, but I have since learned the calories burned is waaaayyyy off. I am now using a Garmin 310XT with the most recent algorithem and it is much more accurate. It shows calories burned at approx 60% of what the Timex showed, plus it maps my runs. I would highly reccomend the…
  • Using the fit of your clothes is a good barometer. As you get more fit / leaner, it is increasingly harder to burn fat and you will not see the big drop in weight. If I could have a direct exchange lb per lb of muscle to fat I'd be thrilled! I moniter weight only as a tool, but rely more on the tape measure at this point.…
  • HCG is Crap! (in my best scottish accent) The only way to lose weight is stop putting stuff (low quality, high quantity) in your mouth, and get active! Eat well, exercise, wash, repeat! Be in it for the long haul...This is Chess, not Checkers! There you have it. Boiled down to the cold hard truth.
  • BMI is just a guideline, as people's bodies are different. I'm in the 7-8% body fat range but my BMI says I'm overweight. I will have to lose another 5 lbs just to get into the healthy range, which will put me at 4% body fat. It really stinks because my employer uses a point system to rank our risk factors and BMI counts…
  • Isn't it rediculous that the federal government subsidizes corn farmers so they can produce High Fructose Corn Syrup at an artificially cheap price. Corn actually sells for less than it costs to grow it, but the profit comes from the federal government, so it is one of the most overproduced crops. The US has huge tarrifs…
  • How active are you? Carbs are the body's preferred fuel source. If you maintain a low carb diet, and exercise, your body will metabolize fat, but also has to cannibalize protein to make glycogen (fuel your muscles can use). Ever have that amonia scent in your nose after a workout? That is an indicator of protein being…
  • My macro splits change during the year depending on my goals and activities. Right now I'm utilizing a 50% carb, 25% fat, 25% protein as I'm training for a marathon. ( I still am having trouble with ammonia smell after runs and will probably increase my carbs) In the winter when I'm lifting weights for strength / size I…
  • A Buddhist goes up to a hot dog vendor and the hot dog vendor says, "What will you have?" and the Buddhist says, "Make me one with everything." The vendor charges him $3.50 so the Buddhist gives him $5, but the vendor doesn't give him anything back. The Buddhist says, "Hey, what about my change?" and the vendor says,…
  • First let me say Good Job on reaching your goal! Second, my advice would be for you to Relax! Don't be a weight weenie! :) 1 lb gain, Seriously! My weight varies +/- 4 lbs depending on hydration levels. Higher salt content in restraunt food will cause some water retention. You WILL fluctuate, but don't worry that it is all…
  • I wasn't trying to be harsh... just to the point. I'm a pretty straight forward person, sorry if I rub the wrong way. P.S. Give me $500 and I'll endorse your super fat reducing, wrinkle eliminating, acne fighting, bronzer in a can cream! Hell I'll even hock your magnetic bracelet, and detoxifying foot pads!
  • Its BS! Nothing that jiggles, wiggles, or vibrates your body is going to make you lose weight. The only thing that burns calories is work. Your muscles moving mass (your body or other weight) for a period of time). A machine moving you is not going to do it. It seems people are always trying to find that magic pill, or…
  • I had my bf checked at the local Rec Center. Three position skin fold caliper test put me at 8.7% bf. I think it is a bit low, but it is a good benchmark. Thanks for your replies. If anyone can tell me the proper way to get photos to post I'd change those links to actual pictures. Thanks, Bryan
  • Great Job! Be careful though, I made the big jump from 5K to Qtr. Marathon (sounds better than 6K) and wound up with an IL band injury. Killed my running for months. Just something to be aware of. Contrats!
  • The wife is very shy, but I'll brag on her a bit. She dropped 35 lbs, and is now wearing size 2 or 4 pants (depending on brand). She is still working out with me, and I'm slowly getting her to start banging iron, so she can add some muscle mass to boost her metabolism.
  • I just returned from vacation and was 15 lbs heavier (in 10 days!). Three days later after being back on my program I have shed 10 of those pounds. All the eating out put a TON of salt into my diet and I was retaining water. Usually after a week of heavy running I'll put on a pound or two. I attribute this to the muscles…
  • I've never had a mood swing one with Creatine, nor have I heard of this problem. Roids yes, Creatine no. Creatine is a byproduct of amino acid sythesis, and is found naturally in the body (mostly in the skeleton and brain. Is is a chemical compound responsible for supplying energy to muscles. If you are on a diet limiting…
  • Omlette with egg beaters, or egg whites, lean ham, onion, a little bit of green pepper. cheddar cheese. MMMMM, MMMM, Good! You may go a few points over on carbs, but very heavy on protein!
  • I use to have that problem, but since I shifted to a 5 meal a day plan, eating small ammounts (200-400 calories) every 3ish hours I don't have cravings. In fact I'm almost to the point of feeling like "Do I have to eat again? You could also try eating 1/2 cup of lowfat cottage cheese as your snack before bed. The casein…
  • Hello, I'm in the same boat. I'm a police officer and work 12 hour shifts 6p - 6a. I work 2 on 2 off, 3 on, 2 off, 2 on, 3 off. It stinks as I am constantly trying to turn around between nights and thre real world on my days off. The way I figure my plan, is each sleep period (other than a nap) starts a new day. Sometimes…