MissJenniLee Member


  • LOL at the people calling it a MENTAL ISSUE. Tell that to someone who hasn't been dieting but for a year but been sick for 10+. In fact, I changed my diet because I was sick all the time. I removed all kinds of things that were known to be sensitive... lactose, glucose, red meats, all processed foods, etc etc etc... Sugar…
  • I'm also sick all the time... did you know that refined sugar is actually toxic to us?
  • I have the same problem. I get such digestive distress in the mornings after having sugar at night. I don't think it's diabetes or just the sugar, but what that sugar is feeding--Candida (a natural occurring bacteria in our bodies). It's considered a BAD bacteria and when it's overgrown can cause all kinds of symptoms…
  • Your waist is technically 1" above the navel.
  • You can find waist to hieght calculators online. I wouldn't say its ideal though as Im 5'5" with a 32" waist. I have a mommy pudge and would hardly call this ideal. I would consider 29" for my size ideal. At least, its my goal for my waist. Although, 32" isn't a horrible waistline.
  • Because it's highly unlikely that he would turn her down because of her weight? The only thing I could think that would change his mind so quickly is her self esteem and maybe how much she pointed out her own weight. Girls seem to draw more attention to their flaws than guys would ever notice.
  • #1. You're awesome for coming here, opening up, and trying to find a solution to your problem. #2. You don't want that guy. I think you were in love with the idea of him and the life you created in your head (we all do it) and not the reality of who he is. If you were to stop and think about all you have learned about him…
  • I would assume it's because you are already small. The smaller you get, the less calories your body will need. That means your daily deficit gets smaller (if you stay within healthy range). If you have a smaller calorie loss, then of course your weight loss will be slower. How much muscle tone do you have? Have you tried…
  • To burn body fat you have to take in less calories To build muscle you have to take in more calories So if you only have a small percent of body fat, I wouldn't recommend cardio as it will burn the calories needed to build muscle tone. Also, the more muscle you build, the higher caloric intake you will need. If you have a…
  • WHOAH WHOAH WHOAH!?!?! when did I threaten physical violence? I said I was against violence? I'm really confused.
  • Nope... this is a one time targeting of me. Usually I'm jumping into other people being targeted. Come on now.... you're really going to ignore the reality of what happened here?
  • that's great, but again... you criticism isn't necessary to the original argument.
  • I was comparing them blaming me for their attacks to that of a wife beater blaming his wife for his attacks. Its not my fault they couldn't understand the point I was making. *sigh* I'm trying to be nice.
  • The R*tard statement was made as a joke as in comic relief: In the words of yoda: r*tarded you are. seems to be a group with little sensitivity training but cares if I misuse a word. I called you as$holes because quite a few of you were acting like one. And given that some even told me to kill myself I would have to say my…
  • What do you mean? What does he have to be disgusted over? and what offended him? His misinterpretations? If you bully someone you should be ashamed. There is something wrong with me for thinking that?
  • another twist of words. You guys were great at that
  • and the other topic ended because someone told me to go kill myself.
  • Nice twist of words and very inaccurate.
  • You should be, you are one of my targets. Not to mention the confusion I feel over YOU being offended and disgusted.
  • I don't believe in violence, just saying that people wouldn't do this stuff to peoples face because it would mean a bigger threat.
  • I already made it obvious why. I'm an advocate against abuse. This is a form of abuse. Therefore I will fight it. It's hard to fight reason and logic to the ignorant and in denial.
  • but see, I'm fighting common internet bullying acceptance all together. If we accept it, how will it ever get better? This is certainly not what I imagined the internet being. Where people get away with doing and saying things that would mean a real punch in the face in rl. People hide behind their computers and get bold…
  • No, it's to understand what that suffering would feel like.
  • Nope, not on this topic... on the original topic where I just put my fat burning plan and what worked for me.
  • You have been arguing this whole time. I never really was talking about you. You have talked to me very reasonably. Although I do not agree with how you think I deserve it (as it is victim blaming), but I am talking about the people who were just complete as$holes. I am 32, and when a group makes a 32 year old woman who is…
  • Making light hearted threads that contained jokes and even stated "I'm not 100% serious with this" meaning Its truth and I'm making a joke from it. I came in here joking because I assumed it was about me (and likely is because the timing and title just seems to fit just right), everyone else started belittling again, that…
  • Have you been abused? You seem to have very little information about abuse. I have been abused, worked as an advocate against abuse, have my own site, and have helped many people. SO, maybe you need to research a little before you make such high factual claims. For you to even mention that I am begging for it shows how…
  • I'm so sorry you guys have so little knowledge of abuse. I hope this will not cause problems in your future since it is such a huge problem. Just hope a daughter doesn't have to die before someone cares to learn. f*n* sad. Sickening even.
  • #1, I didn't make myself a target. I posted what I thought was a helpful post which apparently you all deemed was making me target worthy. #2 Each and every post I have made since I have been teased. If you are telling me I deserved that, then you have a mighty sadistic way of thinking. #3, I have been arguing the way I…
  • I don't? Okay, what defines abuse? what Defines a bully? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullying maybe a start... if that link doesn't work for you, google yourself. Oh, I know you're not going to try to argue me about abuse. BECAUSE THERE IS SOME REAL IGNORANCE HERE