

  • And being an EMT doesn't give you a PhD. I planned this diet out with a nutritionist and had to readjust it several times until it worked. I understand that it might not work for everyone, but you don't HAVE to eat the minimum base of 1,200 calories or replenish all your calories burned, as long as you are not feeling…
  • What do you mean by active friends?
  • Hi! I'm just getting started on here too! I'm 21, no kids, but I am very involved in my nephew's life (He's 17mths old) I'm 5'9" and currently 253 :( I'm aiming for 170-180
    in Hello Comment by iagkm April 2014
  • Dang I can walk 5 miles at 3.5mph and still be good and I'm 80lbs overweight. This post made me feel great about my in-shapeness!
  • Yeah, if you have plenty of fat to spare and are eating something every day your body won't go into starvation mode and you will lose plenty of weight. I've been on a strict 900 calorie or less diet for the past 3 weeks and have lost 12.5lbs since I started. I drink only water and snack on healthy foods like grapes,…