

  • iagkm
    iagkm Posts: 5
    And being an EMT doesn't give you a PhD. I planned this diet out with a nutritionist and had to readjust it several times until it worked. I understand that it might not work for everyone, but you don't HAVE to eat the minimum base of 1,200 calories or replenish all your calories burned, as long as you are not feeling sluggish or have moments of dizziness/black outs. Sorry if either of my comments offended your sensibilities.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    And being an EMT doesn't give you a PhD. I planned this diet out with a nutritionist and had to readjust it several times until it worked. I understand that it might not work for everyone, but you don't HAVE to eat the minimum base of 1,200 calories or replenish all your calories burned, as long as you are not feeling sluggish or have moments of dizziness/black outs. Sorry if either of my comments offended your sensibilities.

    It doesn't offend anyone's sensibilities, but it does go against MFP forum guildlines. You are basically advocating an extreme diet. There are people on here that won't read that you planned it with a doctor, they will just do it. You will also find later that your diet is unsustainable. Stick with it until you hit goal, maintain for a year, and then come back and see us. IF you use the search function you will see many many threads of people advocating the same diet you are that are repeat MFP offenders..they lose the weight and can't keep it off once they stop the low calorie.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    And being an EMT doesn't give you a PhD. I planned this diet out with a nutritionist and had to readjust it several times until it worked. I understand that it might not work for everyone, but you don't HAVE to eat the minimum base of 1,200 calories or replenish all your calories burned, as long as you are not feeling sluggish or have moments of dizziness/black outs. Sorry if either of my comments offended your sensibilities.
    Nice job looking at my profile attempting to attack me personally. Unfortunately things like that don't phase me. A nutritionist panned out whatever diet you are on, for you. That doesn't mean that it is suited for others and for you to assume that it is, is irresponsible. As stated above promoting a 900 calorie diet is against TOS on this site and it's done so for a reason.

    You may believe that just because you are not sluggish, blacking out of dizzy does not mean your body is fine. Waiting for those symptoms to develop is not a smart thing to do in order to decide if it's a good or bad idea. That's like driving your car with a damage radiator and saying "well the cars not giving me trouble so it's fine". Unfortunately, in due time you'll be on the side of the road with smoke coming out from under the hood.

    MrM speaks sense. A specialized diet that you worked out with your own personal nutritionist that has a caloric intake that low is not something you should be promoting for anyone to try. Personally I'm not sure why that low of an intake is a good idea for anyone other than someone who is so morbidly obese that they risk sudden death but if that's what you like to do then fine.

    Also not sure what having a Ph.D. has to do with anything. I really dislike people who try to degree or career drop in place of actually providing evidence for their position.
  • AllieMarie2244
    AllieMarie2244 Posts: 106 Member
    I have been using MFP for a while but this is my first post. I just have a question about "starvation mode". I have been under my calorie count quite often. Sometimes by as much as 300 calories. I get the warning about "starvation mode". I have lost 11lbs in about two months. My last weigh in I gained a pound. It kind of startled me! My question is, What happens when your body goes into "starvation mode"? Could this be why I started gaining? I feel just fine. I have been under my calories because I am satisfied with what I ate, meaning not hungry. I am afraid that if I eat more I will not reach my goal. Any advice?