

  • Hello ladies! I am due December 27th with my second child. I've had 3 miscarriages so still early in the game which makes me a little nervous and cautious, but praying that all goes well! I got preclampsia with my son and gained over 60 pounds with him and I don't want to do that this time as I am starting off already at…
  • Sent a friend request! You are not alone, we can all use motivation and support though. Congratulations on the first 12 though, you are off to a great start!
  • Welcome to MFP! Friend request sent your way. We can all use more support and motivation.
  • I usually don't do fast food, it does not agree with my stomach anyway so it makes it easier to avoid, lol. Vending machines are also upstairs and it's hard to leave downstairs since there are only two of us on third shift so don't usually hit the vending machines either. Great suggestions, think I will make up my "goodie"…
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS back in 2002, been dealing with that for a long time. Never did I have to struggle with the weight as much as I have since having my son back in 2003, but mainly over the last 5 years, getting worse lately. I would love to have the motivation and support from others dealing with PCOS. I've been…