Odd work schedule, worried about diet

MClark71903 Posts: 7
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Starting tomorrow, I am going to be working a weird schedule. I'm worried about how I am going to fit in my work outs and good eating habits during this crazy time. I start work at 8:30 pm tomorrow and work until 7 am Friday. Then work Friday 11 pm until 3 pm Saturday afternoon. Saturday I go back then at 11 pm and work until 7 am Sunday, go back at 11 pm Sunday and work until 7 am Monday, then one final 11 pm Monday night until 7 am Tuesday morning. A few of those days I plan on hitting the gym as I head to work, I am thinking Saturday is out of the question as I am going to need to come home and sleep until I go back to work. I also have the problem that I tend to eat when I am tired to keep me going. I usually work first shift, so thirds always throw me way off my sleep and eating schedule. I work in an assisted living facility so a lot on my feet, a lot of lifting, etc... but I want to find ways to fit in some exercise as well. I am working downstairs, where if I was working upstairs I could use the stationary bike (which I have done before to help wake myself up). I need to go shopping and get some more fruit (end of month, food supply is low). Any idea to help keep me on track?


  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Wow, that is a crazy schedule. Plan and pack all your food now so that you've got it ready to go when you're in the middle of all those crazy shifts. If you can hit the gym 3 times before work, do it!
  • I always do my best during the work week because I'm not surrounded by temptation. I can understand how difficult it can be when things get mixed up from normal, but I think the best thing you can do is plan, plan, plan. The worst decision would be to try and wing it and grab something quick from fast food or from the vending machine. Spend some time each day preparing some healthy snacks and fill up some Ziploc bags. Snacking on nuts, raisins and stuff like that may help to curb your desire to eat when you get tired and you can pre-measure those things before you put them in the storage bags. Write the calories on the outside of the bag so it is easy to keep track. Maybe prepare what meal you want in advance and just keep it in the fridge. When you get home and are tired you can pull it out and warm it up instead of grabbing that old frozen pizza in the back of the freezer. Planning and preparation is the key!
  • I usually don't do fast food, it does not agree with my stomach anyway so it makes it easier to avoid, lol. Vending machines are also upstairs and it's hard to leave downstairs since there are only two of us on third shift so don't usually hit the vending machines either. Great suggestions, think I will make up my "goodie" bags this afternoon for the week. I weighed in this morning and will weigh in again on Tuesday to see how well I do. Going to hit this gym this afternoon, then going to try for tomorrow before work. Then I will try for Sunday and Monday before I go in and will probably go Tuesday after my mom gets off work because that will be after I get some sleep. Feel better having a plan of action going forward.
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