

  • Another site I have found very helpful is this one. Paleo/Primal has really taken off in Sweden in the last few years and a lot of scientific research is being done to look at the value of a low carb high fat way of eating. It's controversial because a lot of nutritionists still want to stick to the orthodoxy on low fat…
  • Hi I started following this about a month ago and have lost 13 lbs. I really like it as a way to eat and don't think of it as a diet but as a choice to eat this way and cut out processed junk food. It automatically makes you eat less but much healthier food and reading about it the ability to control your insulin and start…
  • I recognise this. When I have a stressed out day or something really difficult happens I seek refuge in food. It's almost a way of trying to smother the frustration/anger/pain/hurt with food. I also know that its a vicious cycle and makes me feel worse which makes me want to eat. I'm trying to tackle it by finding other…
  • Good to find someone else who is doing this too. Welcome back.
  • I started today and am Irish too. Congrats on your wedding. I'm sure you'll make a success of this too.