Irish Newbie ;-)

Hi everyone!

I'm a recently married Irish girl, who worked incredibly hard to be in great shape for my wedding day...but over the last seven months i've been enjoying all of those bad habits I gave up in the build up to the wedding a little bit too much (Domino's pizzas, chinese take aways, choc & crisps!) Ok I've only put back on half a stone....BUT it's gotta stop!

I used MFP in the build up to the wedding, but was never into using the social networking side of things! I'd love a bit of company, or motivation from like minded peeps as I attempt to set myself a six week goal of losing that half a stone!

Also would love to be of any help to soon to be every bit of sacrifice is most definetly worth it on your big day!!



  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    hello, congratulations on getting married, ive sent a friend request.x :bigsmile:
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    send me a request. I have a few friends from Irerland and the UK
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Bout ye, I'm in Lisburn in the north of Ireland, and I'm getting married on November!
  • HankFit247
    HankFit247 Posts: 139

    Were all here to provide assistance and support. Just let me/us know how we can help.

  • mcginc91
    mcginc91 Posts: 7
    I started today and am Irish too. Congrats on your wedding. I'm sure you'll make a success of this too.
  • beginswithb
    beginswithb Posts: 132
    Sent a request! I am not from Ireland but my family is (moved here in 1921). I'd love another MFP friend for support!