megbob Member


  • I count only my carbs and protein, I try to keep under 50 grms of carbs and try to get in 120 grams of protein (this is my challenge) I started this on 2/6 and to date I've lost 9lbs. I also do fasting 16 hours fasting and 8 hours eating.
  • I log everyday as well, sometimes a little obseessed over it! I'd love the encouragement and also some new ideas.
  • I'd say 1200 is the minimum you should eat, if you're doing any type of cardio then you're burning some of those calories off so you'll need to increase a little to compensate. I set my goal at 1200 and had the same results, nothing. I increased my goal to 1330 and I've lost 5 lbs in the first 8 days. Good luck!
  • No tatoos here but I am curious about the stories behind some of them, I will randomly ask someone what it's for - it's interesting to me - and no one's been offended so far :)
  • OK.....after work, 200 is my goal. I can't do the sit ups, but crunches I can :)
  • I have been with My Fitness Pal for about 1 year now but not consistent. I need someone for support to keep me on track :smile: