katheern Member


  • Posted these before: I'm 5'9 currently 154lbs, currently wearing sizes 8-10. Heaviest 237lbs, size 18 clothes
  • It sounds like you have a very trusting relationship with each other which is awesome! Props for you.
  • As long as it is something that you have talked about with your significant other as being an okay thing then it's fine. It's not anyone else's business. However if this is being done behind their back and they know their SO would not be okay then it's definitely bordering emotional cheating which in my opinion is as bad…
  • Plus size doesn't matter anyway. I'm 5'9 and a size 10 (mainly because I have big thighs and a booty) and weight 155lbs and I look fabulous. The way I'm built I doubt I will get much smaller. People are shocked when I tell them I'm a size 10 ("You look like a size 2!") What matters is how you LOOK in your clothes. Like…
  • Some people don't want others to succeed because it points out their own shortcomings. I also bet all these people are very nice in person, but being anonymous on the internet makes it very easy to show your true colors.
  • I'm 5'9, 154, maintaining. I try to eat about 2300 calories a day since I workout intensely about 5 days a week.
  • This. One meal isn't going to undo everything. Just get back to being normal the next day.
  • There is seriously a huge lack of trust between a lot of couples that I don't understand. Trust is the foundation of any relationship. How can you be with someone if you can't trust them? It makes no sense to me.
  • This. I work in a very male dominated industry so it is very silly not to make friends with them. Most of my friends are male. There are some men who are pigs and are way too flirty with me but I put a stop to it immediately and tell them very firmly no. I also know many men who are awesome and are very respectful. Plus…
  • I don't always eat back my exercise calories but if I do I try not to go more than 1/2 of what my HRM tell me I've burned because I know how inaccurate it can be. MFP tells me I have burned 700 calories when my HRM tells me it's only 450 sometimes. Even then my HRM is still not 100% accurate. I've lost about 80lbs this way…
  • I do this exact same thing. Makes it very very easy to stay on track. I've also read many times the people who are most successful at losing weight and keeping it off are people that stick to similar things most days. Obviously I throw in a cheat every once in a while to keep from getting bored :)
  • I'm half asian but almost all my friends are asian. Before I lost all my weight I used to stick out like a sore thumb so I completely understand how you feel!
  • Pretty much what everyone else says. I cycle my carbs (some days low, some days high) but always try to aim for 140+g of protein.
  • Yay nerds! I'm a huge gamer (not facebook games) of FPS, RPGS, etc. I have a computer science degree and work for a well known tech company.
  • Polar FT4 :)
  • Actually here are my pics from my success post: To be fair I am fairly large framed.
  • Not exactly what you are looking for, but I am 5'9 and 155 but have been told I look like I'm 120-130. Feel free to look at my pics!
  • I'd say its all of those things. Even 100 or 150 calories can make a big difference if you average about 1600 usually. Definitely not a bad idea to take a couple of days off to give your body rest! You'll probably see even better times after giving yourself that than usual.
  • Thank you everyone for all your kind words and encouragement!
  • You should especially with salads order dressing on the side. I know it sounds very "unmanly" but its the best way to make sure you aren't overdoing it on dressign (they tend to put WAY more than you actually need. I find most of the time using 1/3-1/2 of what they give me is more than enough.
    in Salt Comment by katheern August 2012
  • Some people are also hesitant to say anything because they aren't sure if it's insulting in some way (I'm sure some people can find a way to turn it into an insult :grumble: ). But I'm sure they ARE noticing because it's a huge change. No one really said anything to me (other than very close friends and family) until I…
  • RIP my boobs. Went from a 38D to a 34C. They feel so small now :( I am pretty sure when I looked at inches lost I lost the most in my boobs.
  • I'm sure others have said this before but it's true that losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise. As long as your calories in are less than your calories out you will lose weight. At one point I sprained my ankle and couldn't workout for 2 weeks. I still managed to lose the same amount those two weeks without exercise…
  • Congratulations! What a great transformation!
  • I'm not sure why it has to be one or the other. My boyfriend and I always sit down and eat our dinners together but we eat very healthy and don't overeat. In addition people workout in different ways. I workout at lunch doing circuit training or playing basketball while he works out right after work and he does…
  • Definitely this.
  • Yeah don't worry too much about what other people's goals are. They are probably very small framed whereas I have a large frame and probably can't (without being unhealthy) get lower than a size 8. You know best what will look good for your body! Based on my body fat if I had 0% body fat I would still be 120lbs!
    in 5'9 girls Comment by katheern July 2012
  • I have the same problem! Skinny jeans and knee high boots are my nemesis because of my thighs/calves. Straight jeans on me look like what skinny jeans look like on other people.
    in 5'9 girls Comment by katheern July 2012
  • I'm 5'9, 155lbs, 21% body fat. Anywhere between an 8-12/M-L for pants, usually a S-M/8 for tops.
    in 5'9 girls Comment by katheern July 2012